Fig. 1.
Loss-of-function of ARR1, ARR10, and ARR12 results in enhanced drought tolerance. (A) Two-week-old arr1,10,12 and WT plants were transferred from GM plates to trays containing soil and grown for an additional week (Left). Three-week-old plants were exposed to a drought treatment by water withholding for 15 d and then rewatered for 3 d. Photographs were taken subsequent to rewatering and after the removal of inflorescences (Right). (B) Survival rates and SEs (error bars) were calculated from the results of three independent experiments (n = 30 plants per genotype). Red number next to the asterisks represents the fold-change over the WT. (C) For control, 2-wk-old arr1,10,12 and WT plants were transferred from GM plates to trays and grown under well-watered conditions in parallel with the drought tolerance assay. (D) RWC of the arr1,10,12 and WT plants grown and exposed to drought treatment as described in A. Error bars represent SEs (n = 5). (E) Soil relative moisture contents (n = 5) and relative humidity were monitored from day 11 until the end of drought tolerance test. (F) Electrolyte leakage of the arr1,10,12 and WT plants grown and exposed to drought treatment as described in A. Error bars represent SEs (n = 5). (G) Differential electrolyte leakage (Left) between arr1,10,12 and WT plants collected at a similar RWC (Right) during drought treatment. Error bars represent SEs (n = 5). Asterisks indicate significant differences as determined by a Student’s t test analysis (**P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001).