Fig. S6.
MapMan-based analysis of DEGs identified in Arabidopsis response regulator arr1,10,12 versus WT under nonstressed (M-C/W-C comparison) and dehydration (M-D/W-D comparison) conditions. (A) Heatmap representation of DEGs obtained from M-C/W-C, M-D/W-D, W-D/W-C, and M-D/M-C comparisons using MapMan. Changes in transcription abundance are indicated by color scales with saturation at fivefold. Blue and red colors indicate down- and up-regulation, respectively. (B) MapMan-based functional classification of the up-regulated genes identified in M-C/W-C and M-D/W-D using the web-tool Classification Superviewer ( with normalized class score option. *P < 0.05. CHO, carbohydrate; TCA, tricarboxylic acid; M-C/W-C, arr1,10,12 well-watered control versus WT well-watered control; M-D/W-D represents M-D2/W-D2 and/or M-D4/W-D4; W-D/W-C represents W-D2/W-C and/or W-D4/W-C; M-D/M-C represents M-D2/M-C and/or M-D4/M-C; W-C, WT well-watered control; W-D2, WT dehydrated 2 h; W-D4, WT dehydrated 4 h; M-C, arr1,10,12 well-watered control; M-D2, arr1,10,12 dehydrated 2 h; M-D4, arr1,10,12 dehydrated 4 h.