Figure 1. a and b: FAM stabilizes FEV1 in the majority of patients at 3 months.
a) 83% of patients had study-defined documented success on 3 month PFTs, 3% percent had documented failure at 3 months (10% or more absolute decline in percent predicted FEV1) and 5 (14%) were missing 3 month PFTs. These 5 patients were later reclassified as 1 failure (no PFTs available at 2,3 or 6 months) and 4 successes (3 based on 2 month PFTs and 1 on the basis of 2 or 6 month PFTs. b) Proportion of patients (n=30 evaluable at 3 months) with greater or equal to 5% improvement, greater than or equal to 5% decline (and including those who were not able to be evaluated as these failures), or less than 5% change (stability).