Figure 3.
Reactome graph, showing the functional association of renal allograft rejection molecules. Literature-derived proteins associated with acute and chronic rejection (n = 89, concatenated from the proteomic studies listed in Table 1) were analyzed by functional Reactome group-clustering using CytoScape’s ClueGO plug-in (CytoScape v2.8.3, ClueGO v1.5). Enriched Reactome-terms are represented as circles, and lines denote the relationship between these terms as functional groups. Line thickness and font-size are directly correlated with the statistical significance of terms and relationships (all with P < 0.05 after Bonferroni-adjustment for multiple testing correction). MAPK: Mitogen-activated protein kinase; GRB2: Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; NCAM: Neural cell adhesion molecule.