Fig. 6.
Brc susceptibility to vancomycin after transference to planktonic mode of growth. The total number of Brc obtained immediately after medium replacement (Brc.0) or after 24 h of growth in the presence of the originating biofilms (Brc.24) were determined by flow cytometry, and then adjusted to 1 × 107 cells/mL in TSB0.25 %G. Thereafter, these cultures were grown in planktonic mode for up to 4 h. Every 2 h, an aliquot was collected, counted by flow cytometry and diluted down, to a concentration of 1 × 107 cells/mL, in TSB0.25 %G or TSB0.25 %G with vancomycin and incubated, for 2 h, at 37 °C and 120 rpm. Bars represent the average ± standard deviation of three independent experiments. Statistical significance was determined using Unpaired T test (Two-tailed) with Welch’s correction. **P < 0.01