Figure 2.
Occurrence records (A) and projected present‐day habitat suitability (B) of Fucus distichus (lambert azimuthal equal‐area projection). Longitudinal and latitudinal border lines delimit five geographic regions (West‐ and East‐Atlantic, West‐ and East‐Pacific, and the Arctic (north of the polar circle at 66°N, see Table 1). (A) To avoid sampling‐bias, 72 locations (red triangles) in areas of dense sampling effort were filtered out. Locations at which F. distichus was recently introduced were removed (indicated by orange points). The 97 locations that were used for Niche Modeling are shown as blue points; (B) habitat suitability of coastal regions is shown in gradients of logistic probabilities of presence (0.5–1). Probabilities below the probability threshold of 0.5 were considered unsuitable.