Figure 5. Overview of the 1,500 base pair area downstream and upstream of the cg27512205 KITLG locus.
The top panel contains the −log P values for the association between DNA methylation and cortisol stress reactivity in the discovery (blue, N=85), blood replication (black, N=45) and cross-tissue replication (magenta, N=255) samples per locus (total of 14 loci in the depicted area). The other panels indicate the presence of coding exons (blue blocks) and non-coding introns (grey line) of the KITLG gene (second panel), location of a CpG island (third panel) and the percentage of G (guanine) and C (cytosine) bases (fourth panel) in the area around the cg27512205 locus extracted from the UCSC website70 with the Gviz R package62. The bottom panel indicates the location of a H3K27ac histone modification in lateral hypothalamus tissue (data from ref. 22). Our locus of interest is shaded across all panels by a red rectangle. In the top panel all points above the horizontal dashed grey line are nominally associated (P<0.05) loci in a linear regression model. chr, chromosome.