Rare E-cadLO Cells Isolated from Mouse Invasive Ductal Carcinomas Have Undergone EMT
(A) Western blot of indicated samples. n = 3 mice.
(B) Scatterplot showing expression values for E-cadHI and E-cadLO cells. Red dots that are encircled in red represent genes that are significantly upregulated in E-cadLO cells (q value < 0.01).
(C) The relative mRNA expression of EMT-related genes determined by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and RT. n = 4 mice, except for ZEB1, where n = 3 mice.
(D) T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) plot. Using unsupervised K-medoids clustering, two separate clusters were identified indicated as squares and triangles that overlap with E-cadHI (blue) and E-cadLO (red) tumor cells.
(E) t-SNE intensity plot for genes differentially upregulated in (B).
Related to Figures S1, S2, and S3 and Table S1.