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. 2015;4:71–74. doi: 10.1016/j.trivac.2015.08.001

Table 2.

Relative increase in median antibody titers (%) between day 0 and 21–22 months; relative reduction in median antibody titers during day 28 and 21–22 months, to poliovirus types 1–3, by study group with 95% confidence intervals calculated using bootstrapping with 10,000 replications.

Day 0 and 21–22 months comparison
Day 28 and 21–22 months comparison
Median % relative increase (95% CI) p-Value Median % relative reduction (95% CI) p-Value
Type 1 Salk IPV 1121.3 (896.4–2126.5) Ref 92.1 (84.2–92.9) Ref
Sabin IPV 1028.5 (535.1–1714.3) 0.534 92.1 (90.0–93.7) 0.543
aSabin IPV 893.0 (151.4–1904.2) 0.399 87.4 (80.1–92.1) 0.613

Type 2 Salk IPV 458.7 (147.3–1032.1) Ref 96.0 (92.9–96.8) Ref
Sabin IPV 694.7 (124.4–1305.0) 0.705 95.0 (93.7–96.0) 0.655
aSabin IPV 402.8 (100.0–893.0) 0.945 95.0 (93.7–96.8) 0.933

Type 3 Salk IPV 1043.9 (685.8–1670.5) Ref 93.7 (91.0–95.5) Ref
Sabin IPV 1276.9 (250.1–2727.8) 0.892 92.1 (91.0–95.0) 0.665
aSabin IPV 1150.0 (694.7–2396.5) 0.768 93.7 (92.1–96.8) 0.500

Note: excluded 1 subject missing data for 21–22 months.