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. 2016 Mar 22;9:34. doi: 10.1186/s13041-016-0213-7

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Gap junction coupling masks the activation kinetics of intrinsic ion channels in neonatal astrocytes. a, b An initially identified VRA (A1) and a PA (B1) were followed by a 15 min 100 μM MFA bath perfusion for gap junction coupling inhibition. A substantial reduction in overall whole-cell conductance, especially the inward conductance, occurred in both cells (A2, B2). Remarkably, MFA converted the PA to VRA. A3 and B3 illustrate the I-V plots of MFA effects in VRA and PA. c A PA from a P21 mouse was subjected to the same MFA treatment, but did not show change in electrophysiological phenotype (C3). d MFA does not affect the V M of neonatal astrocytes. e In the presence of MFA, the electrophysiological PA phenotype was completely absent in neonatal astrocytes. f The whole-cell rectification index (RI) was significantly increased in both VRAs and PAs. g The overall Rin of neonatal astrocytes was significantly increased in the presence of MFA. h In the presence of MFA, the intrinsic ionic currents can be accurately determined. The current density (pA/pF) of outward current, at the steady-state level, was more than 6-folds higher than that of the inward currents. *. P < 0.05. N.S, P > 0.05