Fig. 2.
Maximum platelet aggregation (MPA, mean ± SE) to 20 µm ADP using light transmission aggregometry (left Y-axis) and prasugrel active metabolite concentrations (right Y-axis) over 24 h following a prasugrel loading-dose. Platelet aggregation was measured in aspirin and prasugrel-treated subjects’ blood with (40%, 60% and 80%) and without (0%) the addition of fresh platelets. Aggregation values in all supplemented samples are higher than respective controls (0%, P ≤ 0.01) except †, but lower than baseline (P < 0.01). Aggregation values in supplemented samples at 6 h are higher than respective values at 2 h (P < 0.05 for 40% and 60%), but similar to those at 12 h (P = NS for all). Prasugrel active metabolite was not measured before the 2 h time-point; results are taken from an earlier study [11].