Table 1.
Variables measured at baseline and follow-up
Variables | Scale | Measurement/categorization |
Clinic visit – baseline (conducted by trained research staff) | ||
Waist circumference | Measurement taken halfway between costal margin and iliac crest | |
Hip circumference | Measurement taken over greater trochanter | |
Diabetes | Identified from medical record or participant recall of diagnosis | |
Coronary heart disease | Identified by data extracted from primary-care records (Tillin et al. 2012) | |
Stroke | Recorded according to primary-care data or participant report | |
Hypertension | Recorded according to primary-care data or participant report | |
Questionnaire – baseline (self-reported) | ||
Socioeconomic position | Manual labour | Dichotomized into manual v. non-manual |
Home tenure | Dichotomized into own home v. do not own home | |
Physical activity | Total weekly energy expended (MJ) in sport, walking and cycling, using questions and energy expenditure estimates (Durnin & Passmore, 1967) | Logarithmically transformed to accommodate negatively skewed data |
Smoking | Smoking history | Dichotomized into current v. ex/never smoker |
Clinic visit – follow-up (conducted by trained research staff) | ||
Depressive symptoms | 10-item version of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS; D'Ath et al. 1994), well-validated in multi-ethnic samples (Abas et al. 1998) | Case-level depressive symptoms were defined as a score of ⩾4/10. The internal consistency for this scale was satisfactory (Cronbach's α: White European = 0.66; South Asian = 0.72; African Caribbean = 0.69) |
Waist circumference | Measurement taken halfway between costal margin and iliac crest | |
Hip circumference | Measurement taken over greater trochanter | |
Diabetes | Identified from medical record, participant recall of diagnosis, or follow-up oral glucose tolerance test | |
Coronary heart disease | Identified by data extracted from primary-care records (Tillin et al. 2012) | |
Stroke | Recorded according to primary-care data or participant report | |
Hypertension | Recorded according to primary-care data or participant report | |
Cognitive function | Delayed word recall scores using the CERAD 10-word recall test (Morris et al. 1989) | Participants presented with 10 words on 3 occasions and were asked to recall them again after a delay of a few minutes. The number of correct words recalled after the delay was recorded |
Questionnaire – follow-up (self-reported) | ||
Stressful life events | Life events scale assessed stressful life events over the preceding 2 years | List of 9 potentially stressful events; a dichotomous variable identified the presence or not of any stressful event over this period |
Social contact | Measured by asking participants how many hours per week they spend with friends or family | |
Health state | EQ-5D ( (EQ-5D) | EQ-5D values transformed in a utility score using weights from the Measurement and Valuation of Health time trade-off (TTO) set of weights (Measurement and Valuation of Health Group, 1995; Dolan, 1997) |
Physical activity | Total weekly energy expended (MJ) in sport, walking and cycling, using questions and energy expenditure estimates (Durnin & Passmore, 1967) | Logarithmically transformed to accommodate negatively skewed data |
Smoking | Smoking history | Dichotomized into current v. ex/never smoker |
Alcohol consumption | Regularity of consumption | Categorized into 5 groups (never/special occasions only, once/twice a month, once/twice a week, four/five times a week, daily) |
Functional limitation | Impairment recorded if participants reported limitation with ⩾1 of following: (1) walking unaided without stopping and discomfort; (2) walking up and down a flight of 12 stairs without resting; (3) bending down to pick up a shoe from the floor |