Fig. 2. Characteristic features of Twitter activity across locations (labeled by color according to hurricane proximity; blue, farther from the disaster; red, closer to the disaster).
In all panels, the primary plot shows results for messages with keyword “sandy” and an inset for keyword “weather” to contrast behaviors between event-related and neutral words. (A) A primary feature is the sharp decline in normalized activity as the distance between a location and the path of the hurricane increases. After the distance exceeds 1200 to 1500 km, its effect on the strength of response disappears. This trend may be caused by a combination of factors, with direct observation of disaster effects and perception of risk both increasing the tweet activity of the East Coast cities. Anxiety, anticipation, and risk perception evidently contribute to the magnitude of response because many of the communities falling into the decreasing trend were not directly hit or were affected only marginally, whereas New Orleans, for example, shows a significant tweeting level that reflects its historical experience with damaging hurricanes like Katrina. (B) The retweet rate is inversely related to activity, with affected areas producing more original content. (C) The popularity of the content created in the disaster area is also higher and therefore increases with activity as well. None of the features discussed above are present for neutral words (see the insets in all panels).