MSCs were stimulated to differentiate into adipo, chondro and osteocytes. After 48 h (early commitment) mitochondrial network content was evaluated through a series of biogenesis markers, namely (A) PGC1α protein expression, (B) Citrate synthase activity and (C) mtDNA/nDNA. TMRE-loaded cells were imaged (bar = 5 μm) (D) Control, (E) Adipogenesis, (F) Chondrogenesis and (G) Osteogenesis. Using these images, the percentage of area occupied by mitochondria per cell (H) was estimated, as well as Circularity (I) and the Form factor index (J). A photoactivatable GFP was targeted to mitochondria and its dilution in a selected region of interest was followed for 1 hour as seen in panels (K) Control, (L) Adipogenesis, (M) Chonndrogenesis and (N) Osteogenesis; the quantification of the GFP signal dilution is displayed in (O).* p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.001, ns = not significant. Bar = 15 μm.