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. 2015 Mar 26;7(7):39–45. doi: 10.5539/gjhs.v7n7p39

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics of study participants according to number of driving accidents

Accident times during recent two years P-value

Never 1 or 2 times 3 times& more
Age(mean±SD) 33.98±11.48 35.88±12.86 36.25±12.77 0.37*
Sex (N (%)) Female 28(34.1) 41(50) 13(15.9) 0.61
male 100(39.2) 112(43.9) 43(16.9)
Marital status (N (%)) Single 46(41.4) 48(43.2) 17(15.3) 0.62
Married 81(36.2) 103(46) 40(17.9)
Job status (N (%)) Paid job 90(41.1) 94(42.9) 35(16) 0.21
Non paid job 37(31.4) 59(50) 22(18.6)
Education (N (%)) Less than diploma 25(36.8) 32(47.1) 11(16.2) 0.91
Diploma & higher 98(37.8) 115(44.4) 46(17.8)
Residential place (N (%)) High class 29(31.9) 46(50.5) 16(17.5) 0.94
Low class 35(34) 51(49.5) 17(16.5)
Driving license(mean±SD) 10.98±10.18 12.53±10.82 11.24±7.81 0.38*
Cigarette Smoking (N (%)) 26(29.9) 41(47.1) 20(23) 0.10
Addiction (N (%)) 3(21.4) 10(71.4) 1(7.1) 0.12
Alcohol (N (%)) 14(41.2) 12(35.3) 8(23.5) 0.38
Hookah Smoking (N (%)) 43(37.4) 49(42.6) 23(20) 0.54
Personally automobile (N (%)) 94(35.2) 121(45.3) 52(19.5) 0.01
Car price (N (%)) Less than 6000 USD 65(39.6) 67(40.9) 32(19.5) 0.02**
6000-15000 USD 43(32.3) 70(52.6) 20(15)
15000-30000 USD 1(6.7) 9(60) 5(33.3)
≥30000 USD 6(60) 4(40) 0(0)
Time (N (%)) night 54(36.5) 67(45.3) 27(18.2) 0.88
Other time 70(38) 84(45.7) 30(16.3)
Stress (N (%)) 27(31) 39(44.8) 21(24.1) 0.04
Anger (N (%)) 48(37.5) 54(42.2) 26(20.3) 0.29
Penalty(mean±SD) 2.27±3.06 4.58±6.16 7.43±7.18 <0.001*
Route (N (%)) Highway 56(41.2) 59(43.4) 21(15.4) 0.62
Ordinary way 68(36.2) 86(45.7) 34(18.1)

Kruskall-Wallis Test;


Fisher’s Exact Test.