Figure 3. The rCTD structure.
(A) Purified rCTD yielded a dimeric structure (chains in cyan and green), in which both domains interact head to back. The C-terminal strand does not fold back, running antiparalel to the penultimate strand but rather runs in extended conformation and provides the last strand of the symmetric partner. (B) Topology diagram showing the domain swap of the C-terminal strands. (C) Stick model showing the superposition of strands s6 and s7 in the CTD of the IgSF-CTD tandem structure (carbon atoms in gold) and in the dimeric standalone CTD structure (strand s6 of one monomer in green, strand s7 of the other monomer in cyan). Except for the respective linkers to the preceding strands s6, the two s7 strands nicely fit on top of each other.