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. 2016 Mar 8;4(2):e00223. doi: 10.1002/prp2.223

Table 2.

Sample data from various research reports illustrating the consistency between results and concordances between tests of unconditioned anxiety test parameters in the study of mouse strain differences

Plus‐maze Light/Dark Open field References
Mouse strain 1 Mouse strain 2 lt x t %x %t x lt lt x t %t x lt x t x
129P3/J 129S6/Sv EvTac ns > Bothe et al. 2004
129S2/Sv Hsd 129/Sv Ev < ns ns ns ns ns < > Rodgers et al. 2002b
129S1/Sv ImJ A/J ns < > ns > < > O'Leary et al. 2013
129S1/Sv ImJ A/J < > > < > > < > Lad et al. 2010
129S1/Sv ImJ A/J < < > > > Moy et al. 2007
129S1/Sv ImJ A/J ns ns ns > > < ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
129S1/Sv ImJ CBA/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
129S3/Sv lmJ CBA/J > < < Cook et al. 2001
129/Sv J CBA/J ns ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
129/Sv Hsd CBA/Ca OlaHsd < < < < < Rogers et al. 1999
129S2/Sv Hsd CBA/Ca OlaHsd > < ns Brooks et al. 2005
129S1/Sv ImJ SJL/J ns ns < ns < < < O'Leary et al. 2013
129S1/Sv ImJ SJL/J < > > ns > ns < > Lad et al. 2010
129S1/Sv ImJ SJL/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
129/Sv Ev Swiss Webster < ns ns ns > ns < Rodgers et al. 2002b
129S2/Sv Hsd Swiss Webster ns ns ns < ns ns ns < Rodgers et al. 2002b
129S2/Sv Hsd Swiss Webster ns > ns < Rodgers et al. 2002a
129S1/Sv ImJ SWR/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
129S2/Sv Hsd ICR:Hsd ns ns > < Kulesskaya and Võikar 2014
BALB/c J BALB/c ByJ > > < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
BALB/c ByJ BALB/c J ns ns ns < ns ns ns O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c ByJ 129/Sv J ns ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
BALB/c ByJ 129S1/Sv ImJ > > ns < > ns ns O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c ByJ 129S1/Sv ImJ ns ns < ns < Moy et al. 2007
BALB/c ByJ 129S1/Sv ImJ > < < > < < > < Lad et al. 2010
BALB/c ByJ 129S1/Sv lmJ ns ns ns < < ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
BALB/c ByJ 129S3/Sv lmJ < ns > Cook et al. 2001
BALB/c J 129S1/Sv ImJ > > ns ns > > ns O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c OlaHsd 129/Sv Hsd > > ns > ns Rogers et al. 1999
BALB/c OlaHsd 129S2/Sv Hsd < ns ns Brooks et al. 2005
BALB/c ByJ A/J ns ns > ns ns ns ns ns Lad et al. 2010
BALB/c ByJ A/J < ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
BALB/c ByJ A/J < < > > > Moy et al. 2007
BALB/c ByJ A/J > > > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
BALB/c ByJ A/J > > > < > ns > O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c J A/J > > ns Trullas and Skolnick 1993
BALB/c J A/J > > > ns > ns > O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c C3H/He < < Kopp et al. 1999
BALB/c ByJ C3H/He J ns ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
BALB/c ByJ C3H/He J > < ns Cook et al. 2001
BALB/c ByJ C3H/He J > ns ns > < < > < Lad et al. 2010
BALB/c ByJ C3H/He J ns ns < ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
BALB/c ByJ C3H/He J < < Moy et al. 2007
BALB/c ByJ C3H/He J ns ns > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
BALB/c ByJ C3H/He J ns ns ns < ns ns ns O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c ByJ C3H/He N ns ns > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
BALB/c ByJ C3H/He OuJ ns ns > ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
BALB/c J C3H/He J > > ns > > Yilmazer–Hanke et al. 2003
BALB/c J C3H/He J > > < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
BALB/c J C3H/He J ns ns ns ns ns ns < O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c J C3H/He N > > < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
BALB/c OlaHsd C3H/He HNsd > < ns Brooks et al. 2005
BALB/c OlaHsd C3H/He NHsd > > > ns > Rogers et al. 1999
BALB/c A CBA/N > ns > Kim et al. 2002
BALB/c ByJ CBA/J > < < Cook et al. 2001
BALB/c ByJ CBA/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
BALB/c ByJ CBA/J ns ns ns ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
BALB/c ByJ CBA/J ns ns > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
BALB/c ByJ CBA/J ns ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
BALB/c J CBA/J > > < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
BALB/c OlaHsd CBA/Ca OlaHsd ns < ns Brooks et al. 2005
BALB/c OlaHsd CBA/Ca OlaHsd > > < < < Rogers et al. 1999
BALB/c ByJ DBA/2J > ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
BALB/c ByJ DBA/2J < > ns Cook et al. 2001
BALB/c ByJ DBA/2J ns ns ns > < < ns < Lad et al. 2010
BALB/c ByJ DB/2J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
BALB/c ByJ DBA/2J ns ns ns ns < Moy et al. 2007
BALB/c ByJ DBA/2J ns ns ns ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
BALB/c ByJ DBA/2J > > > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
BALB/c ByJ DBA/2J > > ns < ns ns < O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c J DBA/2J > > > > ns Yilmazer–Hanke et al. 2003
BALB/c J DBA/2J > > < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
BALB/c J DBA/2J > > ns ns ns > < O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c OlaHsd DBA/2 OlaHsd > ns ns Brooks et al. 2005
BALB/c OlaHsd DBA/2 OlaHsd > > < < < Rogers et al. 1999
BALB/c A FVB/N < < < Kim et al. 2002
BALB/c ByJ FVB/N A > ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
BALB/c ByJ FVB/N J > ns ns > < < > < Lad et al. 2010
BALB/c ByJ FVB/N J > ns ns ns ns ns < < < < < < Milner and Crabbe 2008
BALB/c ByJ FVB/N J < < Moy et al. 2007
BALB/c ByJ FVB/N J > > < < < ns < O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c J FVB/N J > > < < < ns < O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c ByJ SJL/J ns ns ns > < < ns ns Lad et al. 2010
BALB/c ByJ SJL/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
BALB/c ByJ SJL/J ns ns < < < Griebel et al. 2000
BALB/c ByJ SJL/J > > < < < ns < O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c J SJL/J > > < ns < > < O'Leary et al. 2013
BALB/c J Swiss Webster/HSD < Crawley and Davis 1982
BALB/c J Swiss Webster/NIH < Crawley and Davis 1982
BALB/c ByJ Swiss ns ns < ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
BALB/c ByJ SWR/J > < ns < < ns ns < ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
BALB/c ICR ns ns < Nesher et al. 2012
C3H/He J C3H/He N ns ns > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C3H/He J 129/Sv J ns ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
C3H/He J 129S1/Sv ImJ ns > ns ns > > > O'Leary et al. 2013
C3H/He J 129S1/Sv lmJ > > Hagenbuch et al. 2006
C3H/He J 129S1/Sv ImJ ns < < ns < ns ns > Lad et al. 2010
C3H/He J 129S1/Sv ImJ > < Moy et al. 2007
C3H/He J 129S1/Sv lmJ ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C3H/He J 129S3/Sv lmJ < > > Cook et al. 2001
C3H/He HNsd 129S2/Sv Hsd < > > Brooks et al. 2005
C3H/He NHsd 129/Sv Hsd > < < > < Rogers et al. 1999
C3H/He J A/J < > > < > > < > Lad et al. 2010
C3H/He J A/J < ns > ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C3H/He J A/J > > > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C3H/He J A/J ns > > ns > ns > O'Leary et al. 2013
C3H/He J A/J > > Moy et al. 2007
C3H/He N A/J > > > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C3H/He N CBA/J ns ns ns Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C3H/He J CBA/J ns ns < Cook et al. 2001
C3H/He J CBA/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C3H/He J CBA/J ns ns > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C3H/He J CBA/J ns ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
C3H/He HNsd CBA/Ca OlaHsd ns ns > Brooks et al. 2005
C3H/He NHsd CBA/Ca OlaHsd ns < < < < Rogers et al. 1999
C3H/He OuJ CBA/J ns ns < ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
C3H/He HNsd DBA/2 OlaHsd ns > ns Brooks et al. 2005
C3H/He NHsd DBA/2 OlaHsd ns ns < < < Rogers et al. 1999
C3H/He J DBA/2J < > ns Cook et al. 2001
C3H/He J DBA/2J ns ns > ns < Yilmazer–Hanke et al. 2003
C3H/He J DBA/2J < ns ns ns ns > < > Lad et al. 2010
C3H/He J DBA/2J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C3H/He J DBA/2J > > ns > ns ns ns O'Leary et al. 2013
C3H/He J DBA/2J > ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
C3H/He J DBA/2J > < Moy et al. 2007
C3H/He J DBA/2J > > > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C3H/He N DBA/2J > > > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C3H/He OuJ DBA/2J ns ns < ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
C3H/He J FVB/N A > ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
C3H/He J FVB/N J < ns ns ns < ns < > Lad et al. 2010
C3H/He J FVB/N J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C3H/He J FVB/N J < < Moy et al. 2007
C3H/He J FVB/N J > > < ns < ns < O'Leary et al. 2013
C3H/He J SJL/J < ns ns ns ns ns < > Lad et al. 2010
C3H/He J SJL/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C3H/He J SJL/J > > < ns < ns ns O'Leary et al. 2013
C3H/He OuJ SJL/J ns ns < < < Griebel et al. 2000
C3H/He J SWR/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C3H/He OuJ Swiss ns ns < ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
C57BL/6J 129P3/J ns ns Bothe et al. 2004
C57BL/6 129S6/Sv Ev/Tac ns ns ns Abramov et al. 2008
C57BL/6J 129/Sv J > ns ns ns ns Homanics et al. 1999
C57BL/6J 129/Sv J ns ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
C57BL/6J 129S1/Sv ImJ ns ns > > > > > O'Leary et al. 2013
C57BL/6J 129S1/Sv ImJ ns ns ns ns > > < > Lad et al. 2010
C57BL/6J 129S1/Sv ImJ > > > ns < Moy et al. 2007
C57BL/6J 129S1/Sv ImJ ns > Hagenbuch et al. 2006
C57BL/6J 129S1/Sv lmJ ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J 129S3/Sv lmJ < ns > Cook et al. 2001
C57BL/6J 129S6/Sv EvTac ns ns > ns > > Holmes et al. 2002
C57BL/6J 129S6/Sv EvTac ns > Bothe et al. 2004
C57BL/6J 129S6/Sv EvTac < > > > > Bouwknecht et al. 2004a
C57BL/6J 129S6/Sv EvTac ns > > > > > Bouwknecht et al. 2004b
C57BL/6J OlaHsD 129/Sv Ev > ns > > ns ns ns > Rodgers et al. 2002b
C57BL/6J OlaHsD 129/Sv Hsd > ns ns > ns Rogers et al. 1999
C57BL/6J OlaHsD 129S2/Sv Hsd < > > > < ns ns > Võikar et al. 2004
C57BL/6J OlaHsD 129S2/Sv Hsd < ns > Brooks et al. 2005
C57BL/6J OlaHsD 129S2/Sv Hsd < ns > ns ns > > > > Võikar et al. 2001
C57BL/6J OlaHsD 129S2/Sv Hsd > ns ns > ns ns ns > Rodgers et al. 2002b
C57BL/6J OlaHsD 129S2/Sv Hsd > ns ns > Rodgers et al. 2002a
C57BL/6N Tac 129P3/J ns ns Bothe et al. 2004
C57BL/6N Tac 129S6/Sv EvTac ns > Bothe et al. 2004
C57BL/6N Hsd 129S2/Sv Hsd ns ns < > Kulesskaya and Võikar 2014
C57BL/6N Hsd (Hel) 129S2/Sv Hsd > ns < > Kulesskaya and Võikar 2014
C57L/J 129S1/Sv lmJ ns ns ns ns ns ns > Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/10J A/J ns ns ns Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6ByJ A/J > > > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J A/J < > > < > > < > Lad et al. 2010
C57BL/6J A/J < ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J A/J < ns > > > Moy et al. 2007
C57BL/6J A/J ns ns > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J A/J ns ns > > > ns > O'Leary et al. 2013
C57L/J A/J < > ns > > > ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57 BALB/c > > > ns Augustsson & Meyerson 2004
C57BL/6 BALB/c > > Kopp et al. 1999
C57BL/6J BALB/c < < ns Nesher et al. 2012
C57BL/6J BALB/c < < < < Verleye et al. 2011
C57BL/6J BALB/c < < Brinks et al. 2007
C57BL6/J BALB/c J > Crawley and Davis 1982
C57BL/6J BALB/c J < ns ns ns < Yilmazer–Hanke et al. 2003
C57BL/6J BALB/c J < < > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J BALB/c J > > > < Norcross et al. 2008
C57BL/6J BALB/c J < < > > > < > O'Leary et al. 2013
C57BL/6J BALB/c J < < > > > An et al. 2011
C57BL/6J BALB/c J ns < ns Brinks et al. 2007
C57BL/6J BALB/c ByJ > > ns > > > Lepicard et al. 2000
C57BL/6J BALB/c ByJ < ns > Cook et al. 2001
C57BL/6J BALB/c ByJ < > > < > > < > Lad et al. 2010
C57BL/6J BALB/c ByJ ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J BALB/c ByJ > > < > > Verleye et al. 2011
C57BL/6J BALB/c ByJ > > > > > > Akillioglu et al. 2012
C57BL/6J BALB/c ByJ ns < ns > > > Post et al. 2011
C57BL/6J BALB/c ByJ > > > ns > Moy et al. 2007
C57BL/6J BALB/c ByJ ns ns ns > > Griebel et al. 2000
C57BL/6J BALB/c ByJ < < < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J BALB/c ByJ < ns > > > ns > < ns > O'Leary et al. 2013
C57BL/6J BALB/c ByJ ns ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
C57BL/6J BALB/c A ns > ns Kim et al. 2002
C57BL/6J BALB/c AnN > ns ns ns Lalonde and Strazielle 2008
C57BL/6ByJ BALB/c J < < > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6ByJ BALB/c ByJ < < < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J Ico BALB/c AnNIco > ns ns ns Lalonde and Strazielle 2008
C57BL/6J OlaHsD BALB/c OlaHsd < ns ns Brooks et al. 2005
C57BL/6J OlaHsD BALB/c OlaHsd < < ns ns ns Rogers et al. 1999
C57BL/6N CrlBR BALB/c AnNCrlBR > ns > > > Carola et al. 2002
C57BL/10J BALB/c ByJ < < < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/10J BALB/c J < < < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57L/J BALB/c ByJ ns ns ns > > > > Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J CBA/J ns < ns Cook et al. 2001
C57BL/6J CBA/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J CBA/J ns ns > ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
C57BL/6J CBA/J < < > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J CBA/J ns ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
C57BL/6ByJ CBA/J < < ns Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J CBA/N > > > Kim et al. 2002
C57BL/6J OlaHsD CBA/Ca OlaHsd ns ns ns Brooks et al. 2005
C57BL/6J OlaHsD CBA/Ca OlaHsd ns < < < < Rogers et al. 1999
C57BL/10J CBA/J < < < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57L/J CBA/J ns ns ns ns > > ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J C57L/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J C57BL/6ByJ < < > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J C57BL/6N Tac ns ns Bothe et al. 2004
C57BL/6J C57BSW/6 CrlBR ns ns ns ns ns > ns ns ns ns van Gaalen and Steckler 2000
C57BL/6J C57BL/10J ns ns > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6N Hsd C57BL/6N Hsd (Hel) < ns ns ns Kulesskaya and Võikar 2014
C57BL/10J C57BL/6ByJ < < < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6 C3H/He > > Kopp et al. 1999
C57BL/6J C3H/He J ns ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
C57BL/6J C3H/He J > > ns > > Yilmazer–Hanke et al. 2003
C57BL/6J C3H/He J ns < > Cook et al. 2001
C57BL/6J C3H/He J ns > ns < > > ns ns Lad et al. 2010
C57BL/6J C3H/He J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J C3H/He J < > Moy et al. 2007
C57BL/6J C3H/He J < < ns Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J C3H/He J < < > > > < ns O'Leary et al. 2013
C57BL/6J C3H/He J ns > Hagenbuch et al. 2006
C57BL/6J C3H/He N < < > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J C3H/e OuJ ns ns > ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
C57BL/6ByJ C3H/He J < < < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6ByJ C3H/He N < < ns Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J OlaHsD C3H/He HNsd ns < ns Brooks et al. 2005
C57BL/6J OlaHsD C3H/He NHsd ns > > ns > Rogers et al. 1999
C57BL/10J C3H/He J < < < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/10J C3H/He N < < < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57L/J C3H/He J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6 DBA/2 ns ns ns > ns ns Gard et al. 2001
C57BL/6ByJ DBA/2J ns ns ns Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J DBA/2J < > > Cook et al. 2001
C57BL/6J DBA/2J ns > > > < Yilmazer–Hanke et al. 2003
C57BL/6J DBA/2J ns ns > ns > > Holmes et al. 2002
C57BL/6J DBA/2J < > > < > > < > Lad et al. 2010
C57BL/6J DBA/2J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J DBA/2J > > > > ns Moy et al. 2007
C57BL/6J DBA/2J ns ns > ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
C57BL/6J DBA/2J < < > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57BL/6J DBA/2J ns ns < > > ns ns O'Leary et al. 2013
C57BL/6J DBA/2J > ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
C57BL/6J OlaHsD DBA/2 OlaHsd ns ns ns Brooks et al. 2005
C57BL/6J OlaHsD DBA/2 OlaHsd < > > ns < ns Võikar et al. 2005
C57BL/6J OlaHsD DBA/2 OlaHsd ns > < < < Rogers et al. 1999
C57BL/6J OlaHsD DBA/2 OlaHsd > ns > > ns > > ns Mathiasen et al. 2008
C57BL/6J OlaHsD DBA/2 OlaHsd < > > Mathiasen et al. 2008 T4
C57BL/6J OlaHsD DBA/2 OlaHsd > < ns Mathiasen et al. 2008 T3
C57BL/6N CrlBR DBA/2NCrlBR < < < < ns ns ns < < Podhorna and Brown 2002
C57BL/6N Hsd DBA/2 OlaHsd < ns ns > Kulesskaya and Võikar 2014
C57BL/6N Hsd (Hel) DBA/2 OlaHsd ns ns ns > Kulesskaya and Võikar 2014
C57BL/10J DBA/2J < < < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
C57L/J DBA/2J ns > ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J FVB/N < ns < Kim et al. 2002
C57BL/6J FVB/N A > ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
C57BL/6J FVB/N J < > > < > > < > Lad et al. 2010
C57BL/6J FVB/N J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J FVB/N J < < Moy et al. 2007
C57BL/6J FVB/N J ns ns < > ns ns < O'Leary et al. 2013
C57BL/6J FVB/N Tac ns < Bothe et al. 2004
C57BL/6J OlaHsD FVB/N Hsd ns ns ns ns ns < ns < < Võikar et al. 2001
C57BL/6N Tac FVB/N Tac < < Bothe et al. 2004
C57L/J FVB/N J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J SJL/J < > > < > > < > Lad et al. 2010
C57BL/6J SJL/J ns > ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J SJL/J ns < ns ns < Griebel et al. 2000
C57BL/6J SJL/J < < ns > > ns ns O'Leary et al. 2013
C57L/J SJL/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57BL/6J Swiss ns ns ns ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
C57BL6/J Swiss Webster/HSD > Crawley and Davis 1982
C57BL6/J Swiss Webster/NIH < Crawley and Davis 1982
C57BL/6J Swiss Webster ns ns > < ns ns ns ns ns ns van Gaalen and Steckler 2000
C57BL/6J OlaHsD Swiss Webster ns ns ns < ns ns ns < Rodgers et al. 2002b
C57BL/6J OlaHsD Swiss Webster > > > ns Rodgers et al. 2002a
C57BSW/6 CrlBR Swiss Webster ns ns ns < ns ns ns ns ns < van Gaalen and Steckler 2000
C57BL/6N Hsd ICR:Hsd ns ns > ns Kulesskaya and Võikar 2014
C57BL/6N Hsd (Hel) ICR:Hsd > ns ns ns Kulesskaya and Võikar 2014
C57BL/6J ICR < < < Nesher et al. 2012
C57BL/6J CD1 < < ns ns ns Benatti et al. 2011
C57BL/6J CD1 < < ns ns Benatti et al. 2011
C57BL/6J SWR/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
C57L/J SWR/J ns < ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
DBA/2J 129/Sv J < ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
DBA/2J 129S1/Sv ImJ ns ns ns < > > > O'Leary et al. 2013
DBA/2J 129S1/Sv ImJ > < < > < < ns ns Lad et al. 2010
DBA/2J 129S1/Sv ImJ ns ns < ns ns Moy et al. 2007
DBA/2J 129S1/Sv lmJ ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
DBA/2J 129S3/Sv lmJ ns < > Cook et al. 2001
DBA/2J 129S6 < ns ns ns ns > Holmes et al. 2002
DBA/2 OlaHsd 129/Sv Hsd > < > > > Rogers et al. 1999
DBA/2 OlaHsd 129S2/Sv Hsd > ns < ns Kulesskaya and Võikar 2014
DBA/2 OlaHsd 129S2/Sv Hsd < ns > Brooks et al. 2005
DBA/2J A/J < > ns < > ns < > Lad et al. 2010
DBA/2J A/J < ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
DBA/2J A/J < < ns > > Moy et al. 2007
DBA/2J A/J > > > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
DBA/2J A/J ns < > ns > ns > O'Leary et al. 2013
DBA/2J CBA/J > < < Cook et al. 2001
DBA/2J CBA/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
DBA/2J CBA/J ns ns ns ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
DBA/2J CBA/J < < < Trullas and Skolnick 1993
DBA/2J CBA/J < ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
DBA/2 OlaHsd CBA/Ca OlaHsd ns < ns Brooks et al. 2005
DBA/2 OlaHsd CBA/Ca OlaHsd ns < ns ns ns Rogers et al. 1999
DBA/2J FVB/N A > ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
DBA/2J FVB/N J ns ns ns ns < < ns ns Lad et al. 2010
DBA/2J FVB/N J ns < ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
DBA/2J FVB/N J < < Moy et al. 2007
DBA/2J FVB/N J ns ns < < < ns < O'Leary et al. 2013
DBA/2J SJL/J ns ns ns ns ns > < > Lad et al. 2010
DBA/2J SJL/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
DBA/2J SJL/J ns < < < < Griebel et al. 2000
DBA/2J SJL/J ns < < < < ns ns O'Leary et al. 2013
DBA/2J Swiss ns ns < ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
DBA/2J SWR/J ns < ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
DBA/2 OlaHsd ICR:Hsd > ns < > Kulesskaya and Võikar 2014
FVB/N J 129S1/Sv ImJ ns ns > ns > > > O'Leary et al. 2013
FVB/N J 129S1/Sv ImJ > < < ns ns ns ns ns Lad et al. 2010
FVB/N J 129S1/Sv ImJ > > Moy et al. 2007
FVB/N J 129S1/Sv lmJ ns ns ns ns ns ns > Milner and Crabbe 2008
FVB/N Hsd 129S2/Sv Hsd < ns ns ns ns > > > > Võikar et al. 2001
FVB/N A 129/Sv J < ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
FVB/N Tac 129S6/Sv EvTac > > Bothe et al. 2004
FVB/N Tac 129P3/J ns ns Bothe et al. 2004
FVB/N J A/J < > > < > > < > Lad et al. 2010
FVB/N J A/J < ns ns ns ns < > > > > > ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
FVB/N J A/J ns < > ns > ns > O'Leary et al. 2013
FVB/N J A/J > > Moy et al. 2007
FVB/N A CBA/J < ns Ducottet and Belzung 2005
FVB/N J CBA/J ns ns ns ns > > ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
FVB/N CBA/N > > > Kim et al. 2002
SJL/J A/J < > > < > > ns ns Lad et al. 2010
SJL/J A/J ns ns > ns > ns > O'Leary et al. 2013
SJL/J A/J < ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
SJL/J CBA/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
SJL/J CBA/J ns ns > > > Griebel et al. 2000
SJL/J FVB/N J ns ns ns ns < ns > < Lad et al. 2010
SJL/J FVB/N J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
SJL/J FVB/N J ns > ns ns < ns < O'Leary et al. 2013
SJL/J SWR/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
SJL/J Swiss ns ns ns > > Griebel et al. 2000
CBA/J A/J < ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008
CBA/J A/J > > > Trullas and Skolnick 1993
CBA/J Swiss ns ns < ns ns Griebel et al. 2000
CBA/J SWR/J ns ns ns ns Milner and Crabbe 2008

Most data were estimated from average group values of available test parameters in tables or graphs. Difference between strains were reported from each selected research paper when available, otherwise we used tables and figures and estimated a difference between two group based on the mean and standard error to the mean (s.e.m.). A difference between strains was considered to be present when we observed no overlap between mean and between s.e.m. of a group pair. Mathiasen et al. 2008 T3 and T4, refers to table 3 and table 4, respectively.

OA, open arms; TT, total crossings; DL, dark to lit; LD, Lit to dark; LIT, lit compartment; C, central area of the open field; lt, latency; x, crossings; t, time; %x, percent entries; %t, percent time; Inferior (<), superior (>) signs and nonsignificant (ns) refer to difference obtained by a mouse strain in column 1 compared to a mouse strain in column 2 of the same row.