Table 2.
Cross-lagged effects |
Stability effects |
Internalizing symptoms | Alcohol→ Internalizing |
Internalizing→ Alcohol |
Alcohol use | Internalizing symptoms |
MASQ Total scale | .15* (.14*) | .12* (.12*) | .23* | .58* |
General Distress | .09* (.08*) | .16* (.14*) | .21* | .48* |
Anhedonic Depression | .05* (.04) | .08* (.08) | .23* | .43* |
Anxiety | .03 (.02) | .09* (.06) | .23* | .31* |
Anxious Arousal | .15* (.10*) | .07* (.05*) | .24* | .38* |
Note. N = 620. Values in the table are standardized estimates of structural coefficients in bivariate models controlling for gender and generational status. Values in parentheses are structural coefficients after controlling for gender, generational status, and delinquency. Alcohol = frequency of alcohol use; Internalizing = internalizing symptoms; MASQ = Mini-Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire.
p < .05.