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. 2016 Mar 22;16:283. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-2955-7

Table 4.

Community initiatives supported by the sample of food industry actors in Australia

Australian Food and Grocery Council Coca Cola McDonald’s Nestle Woolworths
Type of activity supported Population targeted List of community initiatives identified during data collection
Physical activity Under 18s Not identified 1.Sport Camps Australia (A59)
2.Get Involved (Australian Paralympic Committee) (A74)
3.Happiness Cycle (A111)
4.University of South Australia (SA)’s Football United Program (A103)
1.Macca’s Grassroots Western Australia (WA) (A143)
2.Mac Pack Basketball Super Clinic (A144)
3.Little Athletics WA (A148)
4.Macca’s Cup – Under 18s SA National Football League competition (A150)
1.Cricket Australia (A179)
2.Swim Kids Operation 10,000 (A181)
Not identified
All ages Not identified 1.Ride2Work Day (A76) 1.Swimming Queensland (A149) Not identified 1.Tennis Australia (A289)
Other health- related initiatives Under 18s Not identified 1.Youth Focus (A61)
2.Ronald McDonald House Charities (A80)
1.Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) (A141) 1.School Canteen Association (A186) 1.Countdown Kids Hospital Appeal (A280)
2.Variety, the children’s charity, New South Wales (NSW) and Australian Capital Territory (A280)
3.Children’s Hospital Foundation, Queensland (A280)
4.Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation, Victoria and Tasmania (A280)
All ages Not identified 1.Red project (HIV) (A73) 1.Association for the Blind of WA (A151)
2.Lifeline WA (A157)
3.Telethon, WA (A152)
4.Cystic Fibrosis fundraising event “Great Strides” (A156)
Not identified 1.Avner Nahmani Pancreatic Cancer Foundation (A280)
2.Royal Flying Doctor Service, SA and Northern Territory (A280)
3.Telethon, WA and Queensland (A280, A285)
4.Bundaberg Health Services Foundation (A290)
Education Under 18s Not identified 1.Top Blokes Foundation (A65)
2.Wirrpanda Foundation (A66)
3.AIME (A77)
4.Street University (A70)
5.Galilee School (A75)
6.Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (A83)
7.Stacy’s New School (A90)
Not identified Not identified 1.Earn & Learn (A280)
All ages Not identified 1.Mum’s School (A64)
2.Enactus program (A78)
3.Charitable Foundation for Books (A67)
1.The Charlie Bell Scholarship for Future Leaders (A147) Not identified Not identified
Other All ages 1.Foodbank Australia (hunger relief) (A9)
2.Arnott’s Foundation Gala Ball & Charity Auction (A2)
1.Red Shield Appeal, Salvation Army (poverty relief) (A58)
2.Mission Australia (poverty relief) (A79)
3.Keep Australia Beautiful (environment) (A60)
4.Landcare Australia (environment) (A88)
5.Bushfires in Victoria (natural disaster) (A88)
6.Cana Farm, NSW (social) (A63)
7.Brotherhood of St. Laurence African Australian Community Centre, Victoria (social) (A68)
8.Graffiti artists (art) (A62)
9.Beacon Foundation (youths) (A83)
10.Clontard Foundation (youths) (A83)
11.Jack’s House program (youths) (A72)
12.Marist Youth Care Centre, Victoria (youths) (A69, A98)
13.Fitted for Work (employment) (A86, A99)
1.Salvation Army Youth Camp, WA (poverty relief) (A153)
2.McDonald’s Community Cinemas (social) (A145)
3.Earth Hour, WA (environment) (A155)
4.Clean up Australia, WA (environment) (A154)
1.Foodbank Australia (hunger relief) (A182, A184)
2.World Wild Fund Pakistan (environment) (A183)
3.Cyclone Marcia, Queensland (natural disaster) (A184)
4.Nestle Golden Chef’s Hat Award (cooking) (A180)
5.Tamworth Local Aboriginal Land Council (aboriginals) (A185)
1.Foodbank Australia (hunger relief) (A281)
2.Salvation Army (poverty relief) (A280-1)
3.Love Food Hate Waste, NSW (environment) (A279)
4.Bushfires and drought (natural disaster) (A280)
5.Fundraising BBQs (social) (A282)