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. 2016 Mar 23;11(3):e0150726. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150726

Table 3. Comparison of labor characteristics among women exposed versus non-exposed to sexual violence: Stratified by age at rape trauma consultation.

Non-exposed women Age at rape trauma consultation <20 yearsa Age at rape trauma consultation ≥20 yearsa
Model Model
n % n % RRb 95% CI n % RRb 95% CI
Total 8699 89.5 629 6.7 396 4.1
Induced labor 2273 26.1 192 30.5 1.17 1.03–1.33 99 25.0 0.96 0.80–1.15
Labor dystocia 729 8.4 68 10.8 1.29 1.01–1.65 33 8.3 0.99 0.67–1.46
Prolonged first stage of labor 292 3.4 34 5.4 1.61 1.14–2.28 14 3.5 1.05 0.62–1.79
Prolonged second stage of labor 356 4.1 26 4.1 1.01 0.68–1.51 19 4.8 1.17 0.69–1.99
Maternal distress during labor and delivery 96 1.1 14 2.2 2.02 1.12–3.64 5 1.3 1.14 0.47–2.78
Antepartum bleeding 96 1.1 12 1.9 1.73 0.96–3.12 10 2.5 2.28 1.21–4.33
Placental abruption 36 0.4 3 0.5 1.15 0.36–3.73 4 1.0 2.44 0.88–6.78

aThose who attended the Rape Trauma Service more than once were categorized according to age at first attendance.

bRelative Risks with non-exposed women as a reference group.