Figure 6.
Cell alignment and nuclear shape index assessed using immnufluorescence staining at 6 weeks. (a) DAPI (blue) and tubulin (green) shows increased cell alignment further from the pillar boundary in films with grooves compared to non-grooved pillars, and in films with deep grooves (30um) compared to more shallow grooves (10um). Scale bar = 50um. (b) Mean percentage of aligned cell nuclei (within 20° of preferred perpendicular orientation: 70°≤x≤110°) in vivo on PCL sponge, non-grooved pillars (0W, 0D), and grooved pillars (60 um and 15um wide (W) grooves) with varying groove depths (D) (10 um—red outline, and 30um—blue outline). (c) Mean nuclear shape index analysis indicating cellular elongation in vivo on all groups based on measure of nuclear circularity (C=4*π*area/perimeter2). (Error bars: ± SD; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001, **** p<0.0001; # indicates p<0.05 relative to PCL sponge at each timepoint; n=5 in each group).