A) Immunolabeling against aldolase C/zebrin II (red), neurogranin and GlyT2 (both in blue) in the vermis of lobule IV from four different animals. Neurogranin and GlyT2 label Golgi cells (GoCs). Note the stereotyped zebrin band pattern. (
B) The EAAT4-GFP transgenic mice express GFP in zebrin II-positive bands. Top: immunolabeling for aldolase C/zebrin II (red) in a slice from an EAAT4-GFP mouse. Middle: GFP fluorescence in the same slice. Bottom: overlay. Scale bar, 100 μm. (
C) Diagram illustrating the topographical organization of climbing fiber (CF) inputs to the cerebellar cortex (green boxes refer to inferior olive subregions) and the partial match with the zebrin band patterning (red boxes refer to zebrin bands) and the cortico-nuclear projection to cerebellar nuclei (blue boxes refer to nuclear subregions). The olivo-cortico-nuclear loop defines the cerebellar module. Note that P1
− is split onto two subregions. The array of CF projection in the cerebellar cortex and the cortico-nuclear projections define the microzone. MAOc: caudal medial accessory olive; Sub a: subnucleus a of the MAOc; Sub b lat. interm.: intermediate part of the lateral subnucleus b of the MAOc; Sub b lat. caudal: caudal part of the lateral subnucleus b of the MAOc; Sub a caudal: caudal part of subnucleus a of the MAOc. Ax and A zones refer to the zonal nomenclature of the olivo-cortical pathway (
Voogd, 1967). FN/ICG: fastigial nucleus and interstitial cell group; FN/LVN: fastigial nucleus and lateral vestibular nucleus. Adapted from
Sugihara, 2011 and
Voogd and Ruigrok, 2004.