Fig. 7. Bmp signaling represses Wnt.
(A) Expression of Bmp4, Bmp2 (in situ hybridization), Smad4, phospho-Smad1/5/8 (IHC) in control and Hopx−/− E9.5-10.5 embryonic hearts, and qRT-PCR of E9.5 hearts (right panel). (B,C) qRT-PCR of E9.5 hearts after culture in increasing concentrations of Bmp4. (D) qRT-PCR of day 10 Hopx+/− and Hopx−/− EBs after differentiation with Bmp4. Hopx−/− explants and EBs failed to repress Axin2 as effectively as controls in the presence of Bmp4 (n≥3 for each experiment in B–D). (E) Model: A “zone-of-commitment” in the developing OFT. Wnt-activated, Isl1+ CPCs stream into the OFT and are exposed to Bmp signaling. Hopx+ cardiomyoblasts are committed to the myocyte lineage. ** p<0.05, Scale bars: 100 µm.