Figure 3. Immunocytochemistry staining of HA-tagged receptors in transiently-expressing cells.
Labelling of HEK Flp-in cells transiently expressing HA-hGPR18 pCAG (A), HA-hGPR18 pcDNA5/FRT (B), or HA-TCS-hCB1 pcDNA5/FRT (C); and CHO-K1 cells transiently expressing HA-hGPR18 pCAG (D). Green staining distinguishes the steady-state surface receptor population, while red staining shows the population of receptors that had traversed the cell surface at any point during a two-hour primary antibody ‘live feeding’ period (‘cycled’ receptors; secondary antibody applied under permeabilised conditions). Scale bar, 20 µm. Representative images from n = 3.