Table 2:
The point-of-care (POC) device validation studies used in this study, grouped by class
Citation | Species | Temperature (°C) | POC device used | Standard method | Analyte measured | Comparison with POC reading | Acceptable comparison |
Awruch et al. (2011) | Shark (Galeorhinus galeus) | Not available | Lactate Pro | Enzymatic kit/spectrophotometer | Lactate | Similar | Yes |
Gallagher et al. (2010) | Sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus, Mustelus canis) | 25 | i-STAT (CG4+) | Blood gas analyser (thermostatted) | pH | Similar | Yes |
Blood gas analyser (thermostatted) | pO2 | Similar | Yes | ||||
Blood gas analyser (thermostatted) | pCO2 | Similar | Yes | ||||
Laboratory lactate and glucose analyser | Lactate | Similar | Yes | ||||
Brown et al. (2008) | Bony fish (Gadus morhua) | Not available | Lactate Pro | Enzymatic kit/spectrophotometer | Lactate | Similar | Yes |
Clark et al. (2008) | Bony fish (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Thunnus orientalis, Scomber japonicus) | Not available | HemoCue | Drabkin method | Haemoglobin | Higher | Somewhat |
Cooke et al. (2008) | Bony fish (Albula vulpes) | 21–25 | i-STAT (E3+) | Laboratory chemistry analyser | Na+ | Higher | Yes |
K+ | Lower | Yes | |||||
Cl− | Lower | Somewhat | |||||
Centrifuge | Haematocrit | Variable | Yes | ||||
Accu-Chek Advantage | Laboratory chemistry analyser | Glucose | Similar | Yes | |||
DiMaggio et al. (2010) | Bony fish (Fundulus seminolis) | Not available | i-STAT (E3+) | Centrifuge | Haematocrit | Lower | No |
Flame photometer | Na+ | Lower | No | ||||
Flame photometer | K+ | Lower | No | ||||
Chloridometer | Cl− | Higher | No | ||||
Evans et al. (2003) | Bony fish (Oreochromis niloticus) | 25–28 | One Touch Ultra | Laboratory colorimetric method | Glucose | Lower | Yes |
Harrenstien et al. (2005) | Bony fish (Sebastes melanops, Sebastes mystinus) | 11.5 | i-STAT (EC8+) | Laboratory chemistry analyser | Na+ | Lower | Somewhat |
Laboratory chemistry analyser | K+ | Similar | No | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | Cl− | Variable | No | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | BUN | Lower | Somewhat | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | Glucose | Similar | No | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | Haemoglobin | Lower | Somewhat | ||||
Blood gas analyser | pH | Lower | Somewhat | ||||
Blood gas analyser | pCO2 | Higher | Somewhat | ||||
Blood gas analyser | TCO2 | Lower | No | ||||
Blood gas analyser | HCO3− | Lower | No | ||||
Blood gas analyser | Base excess | Lower | No | ||||
Iwama et al. (1995) | Bony fish (Salmo salar) | Not available | ExacTech | Laboratory assay kit | Glucose | Similar | Yes |
BMS Hemoglobinometer | Laboratory assay kit | Haemoglobin | Similar | Yes | |||
Ames minilab | Laboratory assay kit | Glucose, haemoglobin | Similar | Yes | |||
Serra-Llinares et al. (2012) | Bony fish (Gadus morhua) | 4 | Lactate Pro | Reference values | Lactate | Similar | Yes |
Wells and Pankhurst (1999) | Bony fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss) | 14–40 | Accuchek Advantage | Hexokinase method | Glucose | Lower | Somewhat |
Accusport | Enzymatic kit/spectrophotometer | Lactate | Lower | Somewhat | |||
McCain et al. (2010) | Reptiles (Pogona vitticeps, Tiliqua gigas, Geochelone platynota, Geochelone elegans, Boa constrictor, Pituophis melanoleucus) | Not available | i-STAT (6+) | Laboratory chemistry analyser | Na+ | Similar | Somewhat |
K+ | Similar | Somewhat | |||||
Cl− | Similar | Somewhat | |||||
Glucose | Similar | Somewhat | |||||
Wolf et al. (2008) | Reptile (Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas, Lepidochelys kempii) | 18.9–27.2 | i-STAT (EC8+) | Centrifuge | Haematocrit | Lower | Somewhat |
Laboratory chemistry analyser | Na+ | Similar | Somewhat | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | K+ | Similar | Somewhat | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | Cl− | Lower | Somewhat | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | Glucose | Lower | Somewhat | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | BUN | Higher | Somewhat | ||||
Lieske et al. (2002) | Bird (Cerorhinca monocerata) | Not available | Accu-Chek Advantage | Reagent strips | Glucose | Similar | Yes |
Precision QID | Reagent strips | Glucose | Similar | Yes | |||
Glucometer Elite | Reagent strips | Glucose | Similar | Yes | |||
Sure Step | Reagent strips | Glucose | Similar | Yes | |||
Burdick et al. (2012) | Mammal (Odocoileus virginianus) | Not available | IQ Prestige Smart | Laboratory/portable chemistry analyser | Glucose | Variable | No |
Prestige Smart | Laboratory/portable chemistry analyser | Glucose | Variable | No | |||
Hopper and Cray (2007) | Mammal (Macaca fasicularis) | Not available | i-STAT (EC8+) | Centrifuge | Haematocrit | Lower | Somewhat |
Laboratory chemistry analyser | Na+ | Higher | Somewhat | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | K+ | Similar | Somewhat | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | Cl− | Higher | Somewhat | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | BUN | Higher | Somewhat | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | Glucose | Lower | Somewhat | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | Haemoglobin | Higher | Somewhat | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | TCO2 | Higher | Yes | ||||
Larsen et al. (2002) | Mammal (Mirounga angustirostris) | Not available | i-STAT (6+) | Laboratory chemistry analyser | Na+ | Lower | No |
Laboratory chemistry analyser | K+ | Similar | Yes | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | Cl− | Higher | Somewhat | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | BUN | Similar | Yes | ||||
Laboratory chemistry analyser | Glucose | Lower | Somewhat | ||||
Centrifuge | Haematocrit | Similar | Yes |
Na+, sodium; K+, potassium; Cl−, chloride; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; TCO2, total carbon dioxide; pCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; HCO3, bicarbonate; pO2, oxygen partial pressure. For each species and analyte, the POC and standard (control) device are presented together with the relative comparison between the two. Where possible, the relevant body/experimental temperatures are presented. The distilled opinions presented by the authors of each study are also presented, but case-by-case caveats are not reported here. Many papers with ‘acceptable’ comparisons argue the need for corrective calculations or find these devices acceptable for relative rather than absolute measurement of an analyte.