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. 2016 Mar 24;11(3):e0152217. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152217

Table 2. Population Characteristics and Selection.

Study population (N = 1403) Population with diaried leisure sport (N = 1010) Population with diaried school sport (PE) (N = 882)
Boys Girls P for sex difference Boys Girls P for sex-stratified difference1 Boys Girls P for sex-stratified difference1
Male (N, %) 650 (46) ** 455 (45) 407 (46)
Age, years 15.6 (0.5) 15.6 (0.5) 15.6 (0.5) 15.6 (0.5) 15.6 (0.5) 15.6 (0.5)
Height, cm 177 (7.4) 168 (6.2) <0.0001 177 (7.4) 168 (6.2) 177 (7.4) 168 (6.3)
Weight, kg 64.5 (12) 59.0 (9.6) <0.0001 64.0 (11) 59.0 (9.4) 64.4 (12) 58.5 (9.3) 0.09
BMI, kg/m2 20.6 (3.2) 21.0 (2.9) 0.001 20.4 (2.9) 21.0 (2.9) 0.04 20.6 (3.1) 20.8 (2.9) 0.1
Study center Munich, % 64.9 57.5 0.005 66.4 56.4 62.6 56.6
Higher-educated parent entered university, % 71.1 71.1 75.8 73.2 0.0001 0.04 70.9 71.2
BMI category,4% ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Underweight 9.06 6.29 ** 9.07 5.26 9.41 7.43 0.1
Normal weight 79.7 84.9 ** 82.1 86.4 78.9 84.9
Overweight 8.59 4.95 ** 7.03 5.08 9.41 4.25
Obese 2.70 3.88 ** 1.81 3.27 2.29 3.40
Any diaried leisure sport (%) 70.0 73.7 ** ** ** ** 74.2 76.4 0.003 0.03
Any school physical education PE (%) 62.6 63.1 66.4 65.4 0.003 0.03 ** ** ** **
Accelerometric data, min/day; Mean (SD)
Time from getting up to going to bed (includes accelerometer non-wear, NWT) Mean (SD) 904 (52) 898 (49) 0.02 906 (50) 899 (49) 904 (52) 899 (47)
Accelerometer wear;3, 4 Does not include NWT Mean (SD) 887 (54 881 (49) 799, 962 0.01 888 (54) 881 (49) 887 (53) 882 (47)
Sedentary3 583 (79) 598 (69) 0.0001 580 (74) 594 (65) 0.005 583 (77) 597 (67)
Light3 260 (59) 246 (50) <0.0001 261 (57) 250 (49) 0.0002 260 (60) 248 (49)
Moderate3, 4 31.3 (14) 26.5 (15) <0.0001 33.1 (14) 26.8 (14) <0.0001 0.00035 32.2 (14) 26.9 (14) 0.049 0.02
Vigorous3, 4 14.2 (12) 11.1 (11) ** 15.7 (12) 11.8 (11) <0.0001 <0.0001 14.4 (12) 11.5 (10) 0.006
MVPA3, 4 45.5 (22) 37.6 (23) ** 48.8 (22) 38.6 (20) <0.0001 <0.0001 46.5 (23) 38.3 (22) 0.007
MVPA difference from average3, 4 ** ** ** 3.24 1.01 ** ** 0.94 0.72 ** **
% days with MVPA over 60 minutes3, 4 27.2 17.7 <0.0001 31.2 19.0 <0.0001 <0.0001 28.6 19.1 0.10 0.004
MVPA over 60 minutes every day; N, % subjects3, 4 6, 0.92 8, 1.06 - 4, 0.88 5, 0.90 4, 0.98 6, 1.26

Mean (SD) unless otherwise stated.

Table 2 footer: P-values calculated using t-test for centrally distributed variables (age, height, BMI, weartime, sedentary, and light); Kruskal-Wallis for categorical (BMI category); Wilcoxon’s two-tailed rank-sum for binary and skewed (all others.)—if p>0.10, ** if pairwise comparison inappropriate (see global null.) For time and activity levels spent in various activity domains (leisure sport, school PE, transportation, school) see Table 4.

1) P-value for difference from whole cohort

2) From BMI cutpoints in (Kromeyer-Hauschild, 2001).[36]

3) Freedson’s uniaxial algorithm for children from (Freedson, 2005) [34]as cited in (Trost, 2010).[34, 37]

4) Data include estimated moderate and vigorous activity during nonwear time if the subject diaried they were in school PE or leisure sport.