ANTP HoxL class gene inter-relationships. Bayesian phylogenetic tree of ANTP HoxL
class genes from sequenced xiphosuran species, along with the previously described
complements of other chelicerates, amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae,
human Homo sapiens and beetle Tribolium castaneum. Phylogenies
inferred with the Jones model and 55 informative sites. Numbers at base of nodes
represent posterior probability to two significant figures. Trees shown are the
result of Bayesian analysis, run for 10 000 000 generations, and
analyses run until the s.d. of split frequencies was below 0.01, with the first
25% of sampled trees discarded as ‘burn-in'. All sequences and
alignments detailed in Supplementary File 1.
Shading shows major gene families. Coloured dots aid in identification of species,
with green circles for T. tridentatus, black diamonds for L.
polyphemus and red asterisks for C. rotundicauda. Scale bar
represents substitutions per site at given distances. Rooted using Pitx
and Six 3/6 sequence outgroups.