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. 2016 Mar;60(1):36–46.

Table 2.

STARLITE Mnemonic summarizing search strategy

Sampling Strategy Electronic databases searched for articles satisfying inclusion criteria. Google searching supplemented database searching.
Type of Studies Studies investigating intra or interexaminer reliability of PSIS palpation.
Approaches “Related articles” function used following successful retrieval. Secondary search used to reach a point of data saturation (i.e., no new references could be identified).
Range of Years No restrictions.
Limits: Only English-language articles were included.
Inclusions/Exclusions Included only English language primary reliability studies. Excluded theses, validity studies, and review articles.
Terms Used PSIS reliability, posterior superior iliac spine reliability, PSIS agreement, posterior superior iliac spine agreement; PSIS palpation; posterior superior iliac spine palpation. This strategy was repeated substituting the words “sacroiliac” and “pelvic” and “landmark” for the acronym PSIS.
Electronic Sources PubMed, ICL, CINAHL, AMED, Osteopathic Research Web, OstMed, MANTIS