Sampling Strategy |
Electronic databases searched for articles satisfying inclusion criteria. Google searching supplemented database searching. |
Type of Studies |
Studies investigating intra or interexaminer reliability of PSIS palpation. |
Approaches |
“Related articles” function used following successful retrieval. Secondary search used to reach a point of data saturation (i.e., no new references could be identified). |
Range of Years |
No restrictions. |
Limits: |
Only English-language articles were included. |
Inclusions/Exclusions |
Included only English language primary reliability studies. Excluded theses, validity studies, and review articles. |
Terms Used |
PSIS reliability, posterior superior iliac spine reliability, PSIS agreement, posterior superior iliac spine agreement; PSIS palpation; posterior superior iliac spine palpation. This strategy was repeated substituting the words “sacroiliac” and “pelvic” and “landmark” for the acronym PSIS. |
Electronic Sources |
PubMed, ICL, CINAHL, AMED, Osteopathic Research Web, OstMed, MANTIS |