Table I.
Demographic and personality information of participants.
Participant | Age | Status | Children | SIDP-IV (3+PD symptoms) |
1 | 30–35 | Cohabiting | 0 | BPD, PARAND, SZOID, STYPL, AVOID, DEPEN, DEPRS, SLFDF, NEGTV |
2 | 40–45 | Widowed | 3 | BPD, OBCMP, SLFDF, DEPRS |
3 | 30–35 | Cohabiting | 2 | BPD, PARAND, SZOID, STYPL, DEPEND, DEPRS |
4 | 30–35 | Cohabiting | 1 | BPD, AVOID, SLFDF, DEPRS |
5 | 30–35 | Single | 1 | BPD, DEPEND, NEGTV |
BPD: borderline; PARAND: paranoid; SZOID: schizoid; STYPL: schizotypal; AVOID: avoidant; DEPEN: dependent; DEPRS: depressive; SLFDF: self-defeating; NEGTV: negativistic; OBCMP: obsessive compulsive.