A) Selumetinib treatment schematic. At 3 months after tamoxifen treatment, Mist1-Kras-mTmG mice were examined at the end of 2 weeks of Selumetinib treatment (n=4) or two weeks following cessation of Selumetinib (n=3). B) H&E stained stomachs from mice treated with Selumetinib or 2 weeks post Selumetinib treatment. C) Sections of the corpus from the mouse stomachs 2 weeks after cessation of Selumetinib treatment were immunostained with antibodies against GFP (green), H/K-ATPase (red), DAPI (white) and IF (blue) (top row), or against IF (green), CD44v (red), DAPI (blue) and GSII-lectin (white) (middle row), or against CD44v (green), Ki67 (red) and GSII-Lectin (blue) (bottom row). Several mucous neck cells (GSII+/CD44v−, white arrows) and chief cells (IF+/CD44v−, yellow arrows) were observed. Boxes indicate regions enlarged. Scale bars = 100 μm. D) Quantitation of proliferating cells in Selumetinib-treated Mist1-Kras-mTmG mouse stomachs. Two classes of Ki67-positive cells, Normal proliferating cells (Ki67+/CD44v−) and Metaplastic proliferating cells (Ki67+/CD44v+), were counted in glands in the corpus from DMSO- (n=5) or Selumetinib-treated (n=4), or 2 weeks post Selumetinib-treated (n=3) mouse stomachs. *p<0.05.