Table A3:
Risk of Bias Among Randomized Controlled Trials for Comparison of MRD-Directed Treatment Versus Standard Treatment
Author, Year | Allocation Concealment | Blinding | Complete Accounting of Patients and Outcome Events | Selective Reporting Bias | Other Limitations |
Vora et al, 201468 | No limitations | No limitationsa | No limitations | Limitationsb | No limitationsc |
Vora et al, 201369 | No limitations | No limitationsa | No limitations | Limitationsb | No limitationsc |
Abbreviation: MRD, minimal residual disease.
Patients and clinicians were not blinded to treatment because it was impossible, nor were data analysts; however, lack of blinding is unlikely to affect the outcomes of interest, which are survival-based, or events defined by morphologic diagnostic criteria (e.g., relapse).
Study protocol pre-specified primary outcomes (event-free survival, overall survival) and secondary outcomes (remission rate, bone marrow relapse, non–bone marrow relapse, acute and late toxicity, days in hospital, and quality of life), for which insufficient data on subgroup analysis for primary outcomes are presented. One secondary outcome is not reported at all, and another is alluded to in the discussion of one article only.68
Funders are reported to have had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report.