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. 2016 Mar 16;8(3):170. doi: 10.3390/nu8030170

Table 4.

Expression of adhesion molecules on PBMC at baseline and 6 hours after the four interventions.

RT TS TSOO Control p 3
Mean ± SD 1 Mean Differences (95% CI)2 Mean ± SD 1 Mean Differences (95% CI) 2 Mean ± SD 1 Mean Differences (95% CI) 2 Mean ± SD 1 Mean Differences (95% CI) 2
T-lymphocytes (MFI) AU
LFA-1 Before 143 ± 58 4.40 (−6.80 to 15.5) a 146 ± 59 1.60 (−7.70 to 10.8) a 144 ± 50 −9.60 (−17.0 to −2.20) b 141 ± 22 9.70 (2.70 to 16.60) c 0.010
After 147 ± 60 148 ± 54 135 ± 43* 150 ± 27 *
Mac-1 Before 141 ± 59 −0.20 (−16.8 to 16.3) 144 ± 51 −6.40 (−21.9 to 9.10) 143 ± 69 −4.80 (−24.4 to 14.8) 147 ± 73 0.30 (−30.2 to 30.7) 0.814
After 141 ± 55 137 ± 37 138 ± 45 147 ± 23
VLA-4 Before 60.0 ± 15.8 1.10 (−2.70 to 4.90) 60.0 ± 11.4 2.20 (−1.20 to 5.50) 62.0 ± 14.9 1.90 (−1.40 to 5.20) 58.0 ± 14.9 1.70 (−14.1 to 17.6) 0.983
After 61.0± 18.3 62.0 ± 10.3 63.0 ± 14.7 60.0 ± 38.2
SLex Before 234 ± 104 −2.50 (−24.4 to 19.4) 237 ± 109 −6.80 (−36.2 to 22.6) 237 ± 137 −1.70 (−41.3 to 37.8) 242 ± 30.9 −0.90 (−17.4 to 15.7) 0.925
After 231 ± 113 231 ± 108 235 ± 109 241 ± 14.6
CD40 Before 138 ± 36 7.00 (−10.1 to 24.0) 139 ± 42 5.20 (−8.60 to 19.0) 138 ± 36 1.10 (−12.5 to 14.8) 141 ± 22 3.70 (−1.50 to 8.80) 0.879
After 145 ± 47 144 ± 36 139 ± 44 144 ± 19
Monocytes (MFI) AU
LFA-1 Before 83.0 ± 27.5 2.20 (−6.30 to 10.7) 80.0 ± 21.2 3.50 (−1.60 to 8.60) 82.0 ± 15.6 2.10 (−2.80 to 6.90) 83.0 ± 8.00 2.90 (−1.10 to 7.00) 0.561
After 85.0 ± 26.2 84.0 ± 16.5 84.0 ± 20.1 86.0 ± 14.1
Mac-1 Before 57.0 ± 11.0 0.50 (−2.90 to 3.80) 57.0 ± 10.7 0.60 (−3.20 to 4.30) 58.0 ± 11.7 −0.20 (−3.20 to 2.80) 58.0 ± 12.0 0.50 (−5.70 to 6.60) 0.343
After 57.0 ± 12.3 57.0 ± 11.9 57.0 ± 10.2 58.0 ± 21.1
VLA-4 Before 45.0 ± 12.9 1.00 (−2.30 to 4.20) a,b 43.0 ± 7.90 2.20 (−0.30 to 4.80) a 44.0 ± 9.40 −0.90 (−3.00 to 1.30) b 40.0 ± 29.3 3.00 (−9.70 to 15.7) a 0.030
After 46.0 ± 13.4 46.0 ± 8.20 43.0 ± 9.70 43.0 ± 9.20
SLex Before 84.0 ± 27.1 −0.70 (−6.10 to 4.70) a 84.0 ± 18.3 3.70 (−0.90 to 8.30) b 87.0 ± 25.6 0.10 (−6.30 to 6.60) a 85.0 ± 12.7 0.50 (−2.70 to 3.70) a 0.007
After 84.0 ± 24.9 87.0 ± 19.0 87.0 ± 21.6 86.0 ± 8.60
CD40 Before 51.0 ± 16.3 −1.80 (−5.70 to 2.10) a 47.0 ± 11.6 2.70 (−0.70 to 6.00) b 48.0 ± 11.7 −0.90 (−5.50 to 3.70) a 49.0 ± 13.6 0.30 (−2.90 to 3.40) a 0.001
After 49.0 ± 17.3 50.0 ± 13.0 47.0 ± 15.2 49.0 ± 8.80
CD36 Before 52.0 ± 10.6 0.40 (−3.60 to 4.50) a 51.0 ± 13.2 −0.30 (−4.50 to 3.80) a 54.0 ± 20.2 −6.20 (−13.2 to −0.01) b 51.0 ± 24.9 −0.10 (−22.7 to 22.4) a 0.042
After 53.0 ± 12.3 51.0 ± 10.0 47.0 ± 18.0 * 51.0 ± 25.6
CCR2 Before 435 ± 108 −8.30 (−61.2 to 44.7) 437 ± 149 −10.6 (−53.0 to 31.7) 439 ± 138 −12.0 (−47.0 to 23.0) 440 ± 295 −13.9 (−171 to 143) 0.998
After 427 ± 141 427 ± 164 427 ± 115 426 ± 524

Results expressed as 1 mean ± SD and 2 mean differences (95% CI) between after and before each intervention. 3 p value of the repeated-measures ANOVA from the differences between interventions. Different superscript letters in a row show significant difference between interventions by Bonferroni post-hoc test (p < 0.05). * Significant differences (p < 0.05) between time in the intervention, measured by the Student’s t test for paired samples. PBMC, Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; RT, Raw tomato; TS, olive oil free tomato sauce; TSOO, refined olive oil enriched tomato sauce. Results were expressed as median fluorescent intensity (MFI), in arbitrary units (AU). VLA-4, very late activation antigen-4; LFA-1, lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1; Mac-1, chemoattractant activation-dependent molecule; SLex, anti-Sialyl-Lewis X.