Fig 3. Incidence of safety-related dose reductions or discontinuations (sr-RD) (A) and SVR24 rates (B) according to the number of baseline risk factors for sr-RD in the overall population (N = 2881).
Patients with missing data (n = 300) for risk factors were excluded (BMI n = 18; HCV genotype n = 23; baseline hemoglobin n = 45; baseline platelets n = 56; baseline neutrophils n = 245). Baseline risk factors for sr-RD based on results of Cox proportional hazards analysis include: female sex, age >50 years, body mass index ≤22 kg/m2, HCV G1 or 4 infection, presence of cardiovascular disease, presence of pulmonary disease, hemoglobin ≤140 g/L, platelets ≤115 x 109/L, neutrophils ≤2.0 x 109/L.