(A) Two eNGCs (two middle; axon in dark orange and dendrite in brown) and four SBC-like cells. SBC-like cells on the left (two leftmost; axon in gray) have the axon arborizing mostly within layer 1, whereas SBC-like cells on the right (two rightmost; axon in gray) have the axon projecting mostly toward the deep layers. (B) Four MCs (both L23 and L5; axon in red and dendrite in dark red), four NGCs (L23 and L5; axon in orange and dendrite in brown), two HECs (axon in yellow and dendrite in dark yellow), two BTCs (axon in aquamarine and dendrite in green), and two DCs (axon in blue violet and dendrite in dark blue). (C) Two BPCs (axon in lime and dendrite in green), four BCs (both L23 and L5; axons in cyan and dendrite in dark cyan), two ChCs (axon in blue and dendrite in dark blue), two DBCs (axon in magenta and dendrite in purple), and two SCs (axon in dodge blue and dendrite in dark blue). (D) (Left) Cross-validated classification performance for each pair of cell types within a layer. (Right) Classification performance collapsed within each layer. (E) The proportion of each morphologically distinct type of interneurons.