Right-most vertical scale bars from top to bottom show amplitudes of current injection (Iinj. in nA), APs (mV), uIPSPs (mV). (A) (Left) Connections between eight simultaneously recorded neurons, including one eNGC, one SBClike cell, one DBC, one L23MC, one L23Pyr, one HEC, and two L5MCs. Each neuron was spatially separated in fig. S7A. (Middle) Connection diagram of the eight reconstructed neurons. (Right) APs elicited in presynaptic neurons and response traces of IPSPs evoked in postsynaptic neurons for each connection. (B) (Left) Connections between five simultaneously recorded neurons, including two L23BCs, two L5BCs, and one L5MC. Each neuron was spatially separated in fig. S7B. (Middle) Connection diagram of the five neurons. (Right) APs elicited in presynaptic neurons and response traces of IPSPs evoked in postsynaptic neurons for each connection. (C) (Left) Connections between eight simultaneously recorded neurons, including one SBC-like cell, one BPC, one BTC, one L23NGC, one L5Pyr, one L5NGC, one DC, and one SC. Each neuron was spatially separated in fig. S7C. (Middle) Connection diagram of the eight neurons. (Right) APs elicited in presynaptic neurons and response traces of IPSPs evoked in postsynaptic neurons for each connection.