FIG 3.
ISC2-1_KR and IS605B-1_KR transposons share similar termini. (A) Map of ISC2-1_KR copies in the K. racemifer DSM 44963 genome obtained by using Censor. The first three columns from the left contain the GenBank accession numbers and coordinates of GenBank DNA sequences similar to the query sequence (column 4); columns 5 and 6 give the first and last positions of a region in the query sequence that is similar to the corresponding GenBank sequence; column 7 shows the orientation of the GenBank sequence (d, direct; c, complementary); column 8 shows DNA identity (0 to 1). Two 34-bp sequences similar to the 5′ terminus of ISC2-1_KR are shaded in light brown. These two sequences are the 5′ termini of two 95% identical copies of the IS605B-1_KR transposon. The 1,357-bp IS605B-1_KR transposon encodes the TnpB protein in the antisense orientation. The two terminal hairpins are rendered in black and blue. (B) Pairwise alignment of the 5′ and 3′ termini in both transposons; the terminal hairpins are formed by inverted repeats (marked by arrows). The identical GTGG target sites are shown in green.