(A–C) Long-range interactions of the indicated proximal viewpoints (red) with the distal VH gene region in cultured Pax5−/−Rag2−/− and Rag2−/− pro-B cells. See legend of Figure 1 for further explanations. The data of the HS3B-HD and Eµ-HD viewpoints (A) are average values of three experiments, and all other viewpoints (B, C) were analyzed once.
(D) Comparison of the 4C-seq patterns obtained with random BAC libraries and Rag2−/− pro-B cells (analyzed from HS3B-HD). The sequencing pattern of each BAC (with its size indicated below) was normalized by setting the highest peak to an RPM value of 10,000 (Figure S4B) prior to merging the patterns of the two BAC libraries (indicated in black and gray).
Abbreviation: Del., internal BAC deletion. See also Figure S4.