Fig. 6.
TEM micrographs of palisade nerve endings
(A) Cross section through the capsule of a palisade ending. The capsule (C) consists of fibroctyes which lack a basal lamina. Inside the capsule, a palisade nerve terminal (T) contacting the collagen fibrils is visible. (B) High resolution micrograph of a neurotendinous contact containing mitochondria and a dense aggregation of clear vesicles. The nerve terminal is partly covered with a Schwann cell (S) and at the collagen contact site only a basal lamina (arrow) covers the terminal. Inset: Detail of the contact. (C) High resolution image of a palisade nerve terminal (T) contacting the muscle fiber (MF) which is covered with a basal lamina (arrow). The neuromuscular contacts contain mitochondria and clear vesicles. In the synaptic cleft (arrowhead) a basal lamia is absent. Inset: Detail of the contact. Scale bars, 1μm.