Figure 3. More MSCs were recruited to old mice owing to exacerbated degree of inflammation induced by hyper-activation of KCs.
A., KCs activation was detected by staining CD68 by immunohistochemistry. (200×) B., HE staining was performed to detect inflammation level. (200×) C., mRNA expression of IL-6 and TNF-α in mice liver was detected by RT-PCR. D., Concentration of IL-6 and TNF-α in mice serum was detected by ELISA. E., Frozen sections of liver were made and MSCs migration to injured liver of indicated groups was detected by fluorescence microscope. (100×) F., The quantification of EGFP-MSCs in E.. Y, young; O, old; GC, GdCl3; Y+C, young+CCl4; O+C, old+CCl4. Y+C+G, young+CCl4+GdCl3; O+C+G, old+CCl4+GdCl3. N.D., not detected. *P < 0.05.