Fig. 4.
EM analysis of the flagellar structure in flaB (CJM1_1294) and fliW (CJM1_1052) gene deletion mutants. Scanning EM was used to assess the flagellar structure in flaB (CJM1_1294) mutant clones A–E (a–e) and coupled WT clones A and B (f, g) and transmission EM was used for analysis of the fliW deletion mutant clone A (h) and its parental WT (i). (a–c) The motile (clones A and B) and intermediate motility (clone C) flaB (CJM1_1294) mutants harboured bipolar flagella. (d, e) Non-motile flaB clones D and E lack flagellar structures at both poles; a protruding structure (flagellar filament or hook-like structure) was observed (indicated with white arrows), or rarely bacteria were observed that harboured a flagellar structure at a single pole as shown in the right panels of (d) and (e). (f, g) Motile WT isolates (clones A and B) coupled to flaB mutants displayed flagellar structures at both poles. (h) No flagellar filaments were observed for the non-motile fliW deletion mutant clone A; however, short hook-like structures were observed. (i) The WT isolate coupled to the fliW mutant clone A possessed flagellar structures at both poles.