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. 2016 Feb 24;29(3):333–342. doi: 10.5713/ajas.15.0467

Table 2.

Analysis of variance for the mRNA abundance of ovine Lpin2 and Lpin3

Source of variation Sum of squares Degree of freedom F values Significance

Lpin2 Lpin3 Lpin2 Lpin Lpin2 Lpin3
Corrected model 317.529a 239.687a 66 8.114 6.424 *** ***
Intercept 483.039 748.304 1 814.629 1,323.743 *** ***
Breed 22.549 5.2 1 38.028 9.199 *** **
Sex 0.162 0.626 1 0.274 1.107 NS NS
MOA 28.702 32.412 5 9.681 11.467 *** ***
Tissue 131.954 99.495 6 37.089 29.334 *** ***
Breed×sex 0.607 0.586 1 1.024 1.036 NS NS
Breed×MOA 21.95 42.344 5 7.403 14.981 *** ***
Breed×tissue 66.493 11.865 6 18.69 3.498 *** **
Sex×MOA 6.306 10.315 5 2.127 3.649 NS **
Sex×tissue 4.493 7.034 6 1.263 2.074 NS NS
Tissue×MOA 29.68 33.219 30 1.668 1.959 * **
Error 354.588 338.046 598
Total 1,166.079 1,322.672 665
Corrected total 672.117 577.733 664

NS, not significant; MOA, months of age.





