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. 2016 Mar 16;2016:4238625. doi: 10.1155/2016/4238625

Table 1.

Plants used to manage HIV/AIDS related diseases in Livingstone, Southern Province, Zambia.

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Growth form Frequency index, voucher number Diseases treated Plant parts used, preparation, and mode of administration
Acanthaceae Barleria kirkii T. Anderson Chavani Herb 13.3, L144 HIV/AIDS Leaf decoction is drank
Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera L. Tantajulo Herb 20.0, L186 Cancer, pneumonia, cough, diarrhoea, fungal infections of the skin, genital warts Root infusion or whole plant decoction is drank; paste of plant is applied to skin
Anacardiaceae Lannea stuhlmannii (Engl.) Eyles Mungangacha, Mucheche Tree 83.3, L245 Gonorrhoea, syphilis, herpes zoster, herpes
simplex, skin infections, HIV/AIDS
Crushed leaves or roots are boiled in water, decoction is drank; stem bark decoction is used to wash affected skin
Anacardiaceae Lannea discolor (Sond.) Engl. Mungongwa Tree 50.0, L235 Diarrhoea, gonorrhoea Fruit pulp eaten to relieve diarrhoea; root infusion drank to relieve gonorrhoea
Annonaceae Friesodielsia obovata (Benth.) Verdc. Muchinga Shrub 20.0, L216 Skin rashes Pounded leaves rubbed into skin
Annonaceae Artabotrys brachypetalus Benth. Mulandabala Climber 13.3, L230 Skin infections Crushed leaves rubbed into skin
Apiaceae Steganotaenia araliacea Hochst. Mupelewa Tree 60.0, L113 Headache Root decoction is drank
Arecaceae Hyphaene petersiana Klotzsch ex Mart. Kakunka, Mapokwe Tree 20.0, L217 Malaria, cough, tuberculosis, skin rashes, sores related to STIs Palm fruit is eaten raw or boiled to treat malaria and cough; seeds are used to treat TB; sap is applied to heal skin rashes and STIs
Asclepiadaceae Fockea angustifolia K. Schum. Mutindika, Nanyama Herb 83.3, L210 Cough Tuber is eaten raw
Asparagaceae Asparagus setaceus (Kunth) Jessop Mutandamyoba Climber 50.0, L207 Eczema Whole plant is crushed and rubbed into affected skin
Asparagaceae Sansevieria deserti N. E. Br. Musombo, Mukonje Herb 13.3, L360 Oral infections Leaves are chewed and then spitted
Asparagaceae Asparagus racemosus Willd. Mutandamyoba, Ilutwa Climber 20.0, L433 Pneumonia, cough, diarrhoea, syphilis Whole plant is boiled; decoction is drank
Asteraceae Vernonia amygdalina Delile Musoboyo Shrub 83.3, L481 Coughs, tuberculosis, malaria Leaves are boiled; decoction is drank
Bignoniaceae Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth. Muzungula Tree 83.3, L485 Syphilis, herpes simplex, diarrhoea, boils, colds, flu Stem bark and leaves are boiled
Burseraceae Commiphora mollis Engl. Muntyokela Tree 50.0, L312 Treats swollen pancreas in patients on antiretroviral therapy Stem bark is crushed and boiled; decoction is drank
Capparaceae Boscia salicifolia Oliv. Mulaba, Kabombwe Tree 70.0, L406 Syphilis, HIV/AIDS Roots are ground and left in water; infusion is drank
Capparaceae Capparis tomentosa Lam. Chonswe Shrub 20.0, L329 Syphilis rashes; HIV/AIDS; cryptococcal meningitis, oral candidiasis, herpes zoster, herpes simplex, chronic diarrhoea Roots are crushed and boiled and decoction is drank; crushed leaves are applied to sores or soaked in water used to wash the mouth
Capparaceae Cleome hirta Oliv. Mulangazuba, Kalungukachisiungwa Herb 13.3, L303 Pneumonia, tuberculosis, fungal infection of the skin, malaria Leaf infusion is drunk
Celastraceae Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell Mukuba Shrub 50.0, LV235 Tuberculosis Leaves are crushed and soaked in water; infusion is drank
Celastraceae Hippocratea africana Loes. ex Engl. Mulele Climber 60.0, LV280 Malaria Root decoction is drunk
Chrysobalanaceae Parinari curatellifolia Planch. ex Benth. Mubulabula, Mula Tree 13.3, LV245 Toothache, diarrhoea Fruit eaten raw
Clusiaceae Garcinia livingstonei T. Anderson Mutungwa, Mukwanaga Tree 83.3, LV226 Cryptococcal meningitis, herpes zoster, herpes simplex, skin rashes Tuberculosis chronic diarrhoea Fruit eaten raw or in porridge
Combretaceae Combretum collinum Fresen. Mukunza, Mulamana Tree 43.3, LV187 Chronic diarrhoea, tuberculosis, cough Roots are crushed and soaked in water overnight; filtrate is drank
Combretaceae Combretum imberbe Wawra Mubimba, Muzwili Tree 83.3, LV238 General STIs, tuberculosis Stem bark is crushed and soaked in water overnight; filtrate is drank
Combretaceae Combretum apiculatum Sond. Mukalanga, Kalanga, Nkalanga Tree 50.0, LV220 General STI syndromes; tuberculosis Stem bark is crushed and soaked in water overnight; filtrate is drank
Combretaceae Combretum elaeagnoides Klotzsch Mukalanga, Mukupo Tree 30.0, L576 Malaria, tuberculosis, diarrhoea Fresh leaves are crushed and soaked in water overnight; filtrate is drank
Combretaceae Combretum hereroense Schinz Namazubo Tree 53.3, L437 Gonorrhoea Roots are crushed and soaked in water overnight; filtrate is drank
Combretaceae Terminalia prunioides M. A. Lawson Mutala, Mukonono, Mulumbu Tree 83.3, L247 Gonorrhoea, syphilis, HIV/AIDS Outer parts of roots are dried, crushed, and mixed with water overnight; infusion is drank
Combretaceae Combretum mossambicense Engl. Numinambelele, Silutombolwa, Mutombololo Climber 36.7, LV475 Gonorrhoea, syphilis Fresh leaves are crushed and soaked in water overnight; filtrate is taken orally
Combretaceae Combretum paniculatum Vent. Mutombolo Shrub 50.0, L322 Malaria, diarrhoea Leaves are pounded and soaked in water; infusion is drank
Connaraceae Byrsocarpus orientalis Baill. Kazingini Shrub 13.3, L521 Skin abscesses and boils Young stems are cut and boiled, and decoction is applied to skin
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea cochleari-apiculata De Wild. Mpama Climber 13.3, L511 Syphilitic sores, chancroid Root decoction drank
Ebenaceae Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A.DC. Mchenja Tree 83.3, L109 Malaria Crushed roots are boiled; filtrate is drank
Ebenaceae Diospyros quiloensis (Hiern) F. White Musiaabwele Tree 50.0, LV339 Gonorrhoea, syphilis, malaria Crushed stem bark is boiled; filtrate is drank
Ebenaceae Euclea divinorum Hiern Munyansyabweli Tree 20.0, LV140 Syphilis, gonorrhoea, genital herpes, oral candidiasis, abscesses, diarrhoea Roots are ground and boiled in water and decoction is taken orally
Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum zambesiacum N. Robson Mubalubalu Tree 16.7, LV277 Malaria, headache Roots are cut into small pieces and boiled, and decoction is administered orally
Euphorbiaceae Croton gratissimus Burch. Mungai, Kanunkila Mpati Tree 66.7, LV399 Syphilis Stem bark is boiled; decoction is drank and used to wash sores
Euphorbiaceae Croton megalobotrys Müll. Arg. Mutua, Mutuatua Tree 60.0, S149 Gonorrhoea Leaves are boiled and decoction is drank
Euphorbiaceae Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia Pax Mukunyu Tree 23.3, S108 Diarrhoea, pneumonia Stem bark decoction is drank
Euphorbiaceae Bridelia cathartica G. Bertol. Munyanyamenda Shrub 13.3, S154 Oral infections, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, malaria Leaves and fruits are chewed raw to act as mouthwash; stem bark infusion is drank
Euphorbiaceae Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G. L. Webster Mulyankanga Shrub 16.7, S119 Skin rashes and sores; headache Stem bark
Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus reticulatus Lodd. Mwichechele Shrub 26.7, S260 Herpes simplex Crushed leaves are rubbed to affected areas of skin
Fabaceae Acacia albida Delile Musangu, Muunga Tree 50.0, S100 Syphilis sores, herpes zoster Crushed leaves and stem bark are applied to heal sores
Fabaceae Acacia nigrescens Oliv. Mwabaa, Mukwena Tree 60.0, S78 Herpes zoster Leaves and stem bark are boiled, decoction used to
Fabaceae Acacia polyacantha Willd. Mumbu, Mukotokoto, Luntwele Tree 50.0, S63 Gonorrhoea, herpes zoster Leaves and stem bark are crushed and boiled; decoction is drank or used to wash affected skin
Fabaceae Afzelia quanzensis Welw. Mupapa, Mukamba Tree 76.7, S27 General STIs Leaves are pounded and soaked in water overnight and then drank
Fabaceae Albizia amara (Roxb.) Boivin Kankumbwila,Mukangola Tree 60.0, S44 Gonorrhoea, diarrhoea Stem bark infusion is drank
Fabaceae Lonchocarpus capassa Rolfe Mukololo Tree 13.3, S31 Gonorrhoea, cough Stem bark and leaves are mixed, crushed, soaked in water, and filtered and infusion is drank
Fabaceae Peltophorum africanum Sond. Muzenzenze Tree 83.3, K203 General STIs, oral infections Roots are soaked in water and infusion is drank to treat STIs; leaves are crushed and soaked in water; infusion is used to wash mouth
Fabaceae Pterocarpus antunesii Harms Mukambo Tree 26.7, K166 Diarrhoea Stem bark infusion is drank
Fabaceae Acacia goetzei Harms Mwaba Tree 46.7, K88 Cough, pneumonia Root decoction is drank
Fabaceae Acacia nilotica Delile Mukoka Tree 66.7, K56 Tuberculosis, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, dental caries Twigs used as chewing sticks to treat dental caries
Fabaceae Cassia abbreviata Oliv. Mululwe Tree 83.3, K39 Gonorrhoea, diarrhoea Root infusion is drank
Fabaceae Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill. & Perr. Musonkomo Shrub 13.3, K17 Diarrhoea Root decoction is drank
Fabaceae Piliostigma thonningii (Schumach.) Milne-Redh. Musekese Tree 60.0, K12 Coughs, skin rashes, gonorrhoea, syphilis Stem bark and roots are boiled; decoction is drank to heal coughs and STIs; leaf infusion is used to wash infected skin
Fabaceae Acacia ataxacantha DC. Lubamfwa Shrub 50.0, K60 Gonorrhoea, syphilis Roots are boiled and decoction is drank
Fabaceae Acacia schweinfurthii Brenan & Exell Lubua, Mokoka Shrub 33.3, L34 Gonorrhoea, syphilis Roots, stem bark, and leaves are mixed, pounded, and soaked in water and infusion is drank
Fabaceae Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn. Katenge, Mugee Shrub 66.7, L79 Gonorrhoea, syphilis; oral candidiasis, and skin rashes Stem bark is boiled and decoction is drank, used to wash oral cavity, or used to disinfect skin by washing
Fabaceae Mimosa pigra L. Muchabachaba, Sichatubabi Shrubs 83.3, L56 Diarrhoea, genital ulcers, gonorrhoea Leaves and small and young stems are dried, pounded into powder, mixed with water, and filtered and extract is drank or used to wash genital ulcers
Fabaceae Sesbania sesban Britton Mbelembele Shrub 13.3, L77 Malaria Roots are boiled and decoction is administered orally
Fabaceae Indigofera colutea (Burm. f.) Merr. Kapalupalu Herb 13.3, L59 Diarrhoea Whole plant is pounded, soaked in water overnight, and filtered, and infusion is drank to alleviate diarrhoea
Fabaceae Abrus precatorius L. Musolosolo Climber 60.0, KC280 Gonorrhoea, syphilitic ulcers, genital herpes; oral candidiasis, ulcer boils Whole plant is crushed, boiled in water, and filtered; decoction is drank; crushed leaves soaked in water and used to wash mouth and syphilitic ulcers
Fabaceae Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. Muyuyu Climber 20.0, KC245 Weight loss, lack of libido in men Pods and beans are boiled and consumed for body building and to act as an aphrodisiac
Flacourtiaceae Flacourtia indica (Burm. f.) Merr. Mutumbula Shrub 13.3, KC350 Diarrhoea Leaves chewed raw
Flacourtiaceae Oncoba spinosa Forssk. Mukumbuzu Shrub 16.7, KC2 Dysentery Roots and fruits are boiled and decoction is drunk
Kirkiaceae Kirkia acuminata Oliv. Musanta, Muzumina Tree 13.3, KC18 Diarrhoea Stem bark infusion is drank
Lamiaceae Vitex payos (Lour.) Merr. Mfudu, Muyankonga Tree 30.0, KC36 Coughs Fruit eaten raw or leaves burnt and smoke inhaled as cough medicine
Lamiaceae Hoslundia opposita Vahl Musombwani Shrub 60.0, KC48 Coughs, flu, fever, loss of libido in men; skin wounds Roots are boiled and decoction is drunk; sugary fruits are eaten raw to boost libido; crushed leaves are rubbed into skin to heal wounds
Lamiaceae Premna senensis Klotzsch Mumpika Shrub 13.3, KC360 Syphilitic sores, skin ulcers Leaf infusions applied to sores
Lamiaceae Vitex petersiana Klotzsch Mufulibulimbo, Mukoma Shrub 23.3, KC312 Gonorrhoea Leaf decoction is drank to treat gonorrhoea;
Lamiaceae Clerodendrum capitatum (Willd.) Schumach. Shamanya Herb 60.0, L402 Gonorrhoea, erectile dysfunction, pneumonia, diarrhoea Leaf and root decoctions drunk
Loganiaceae Strychnos potatorum L. f. Musisilombe Tree 40.0, KC464 Syphilis Infusions of leaves are drank
Loganiaceae Strychnos innocua Delile Mutimi, Muhuluhulu, Mwabo Tree 20.0, KC216 Gonorrhoea, sore throat Eat fruit pulp
Malvaceae Azanza garckeana (F. Hoffm.) Exell & Hillc. Makole, Munego Tree 60.0, KC143 Malaria Eat raw fruit, cook, and eat as relish
Malvaceae Sida alba L. Mulyangombe, Babani Shrub 20.0, KC525 Gonorrhoea Roots and leaves are boiled; decoction is drank
Malvaceae Hibiscus vitifolius L. Mubaluba Herb Chronic diarrhoea Leaves are boiled and filtered through wire sieve and decoction is drank
Meliaceae Khaya nyasica Stapf ex Baker f. Mululu Tree 43.3, KC113 Fever Stem bark infusion is drank
Meliaceae Trichilia emetica Vahl Musikili Tree 56.7, KC217 Fever, pneumonia; skin rashes Root decoction is drunk; leaves rubbed onto skin
Menispermaceae Cissampelos mucronata A. Rich. Itende Climber 73.3, KC210 Syphilis, chancroid Whole plant is cut into small pieces and boiled and decoction is drank after filtering
Moraceae Ficus capensis Hort. Berol. ex Kunth & C. D. Bouché Mukuyu Tree 60.0, KC207 Diarrhoea, tuberculosis, skin sores, genital warts Fresh leaves are boiled in water and decoction is drank or used to wash warts and skin sores
Moraceae Ficus sycomorus L. Mukuyu Tree 76.7, KC360 Cough, tuberculosis, periodontitis, and oral candidiasis Fresh leaves are boiled in water and decoction is drank or used to wash the mouth
Myrtaceae Syzygium cordatum Hochst. Katope Tree 83.3, KC433 Diarrhoea Stem bark decoction is drunk
Myrtaceae Syzygium guineense DC. Mutoya, Katope Tree 83.3, KC481 Abscesses, skin rashes, diarrhoea Fruits eaten raw; stem decoction applied to affected skin
Olacaceae Ximenia americana L. Munchovwa, Muchonfwa Tree 83.3, KC318 Candidiasis, malaria, throat infection, tonsillitis, gonorrhoea, diarrhoea, skin rashes Roots, leaves, and fruits are crushed while fresh and mixed with water overnight and taken orally
Pedaliaceae Sesamum angolense Welw. Bwengo Herb 13.3, KC267 Skin rashes Leaves are crushed and used as soap to bath skin
Plumbaginaceae Plumbago zeylanica L. Sikalutenta Shrub 83.3, KC318 Generally treats all STI symptoms Root infusion is drank
Ranunculaceae Clematis brachiata Ker Gawl. Kalatongo Climber 20.0, KC354 Coughs, headache, fever Leaves are boiled and drunk as a tea; sometimes honey is added as a sweetener
Rhamnaceae Berchemia discolor (Klotzsch) Hemsl. Mwiiyi, Mwinji Tree 60.0, KC235 Cough Use fruit in porridge
Rhamnaceae Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Masawu, Masawu Tree 40.0, KC226 Gonorrhoea, syphilis Fruit eaten raw, apply to wound, and put into porridge
Rhamnaceae Ziziphus mucronata Willd. Muchechete, Mwichechete Tree 83.3, KC144 Gonorrhoea, syphilis, boils, pneumonia, cough Root or leaf infusion is drank
Sapotaceae Mimusops zeyheri Sond. Mukalanjoni Tree 40.0, KC120 Oral candidiasis Fruit is eaten or root infusion is used as a mouthwash
Tiliaceae Grewia flavescens Juss. Namulomo, Mukunyukunyu Shrub 40.0, KC199 Diarrhoea Eat fruit pulp to relieve diarrhoea
Tiliaceae Corchorus tridens L. Delele Herb 13.3, KC101 Syphilitic ulcers, chancroid Root infusion drank or applied to ulcers
Vitaceae Cissus quadrangularis L. Mulungalunga, Chamulungelunge Climber 40.0, KC78 Malaria, gonorrhoea Sap is drank; whole plant infusion is drank