Fig. 2.
Effect of Hho1p on resistance of chromatin to nuclease digestion and on cellular content of HMO1. a MNase digestion of chromatin isolated from DDY3, hho1∆, and hmo1∆ hho1∆, respectively. Nuclei were digested with 0.25 U/µl MNase for the time indicated. Nucleosomal DNA was purified and resolved by agarose gel electrophoresis and stained with ethidium bromide. b Western blot of lysates from DDY3, hho1∆, and hmo1∆ hho1∆ using antibody to Hho1p or GAPDH. GAPDH migrates with a Mw ~36 kDa, while Hho1p migrates with a Mw ~28 kDa. c Western blot of lysates from DDY3, hmo1∆, and hmo1-ΑΒ using antibody to Hho1p or GAPDH. Densitometric analysis of three separate blots from three independent experiments shown below. Relative level = Hho1p/GAPDH. d Western blot of lysates from DDY3 and hho1∆ using antibody to FLAG-tagged HMO1 or GAPDH. HMO1-FLAG migrates with a Mw ~35 kDa. Densitometric analysis of three separate blots from three independent experiments shown below. Relative level = FLAG/GAPDH. Error bars represent standard deviation