Fig. 6.
Effect of linker histone H1 on MNase sensitivity of chromatin isolated from synchronized cells and on growth rate. a–c MNase digestion of chromatin isolated from synchronized DDY3, hmo1∆, and hmo1∆ expressing human linker histone H1.2. Cells were synchronized in G1 phase for a total of 3 h by the addition of alpha factor. Nuclei were digested with 0.25 U/µl MNase for the time indicated. Nucleosomal DNA was purified and resolved by agarose gel electrophoresis and stained with ethidium bromide. d–f Growth curve for wild-type DDY3, hmo1∆ expressing H1, and DDY3 expressing H1. Cells were grown in synthetic-defined media, and cells were collected at regular intervals to measure OD at 600 nm