Figure 6. Pol2 footprint on the atomic model of CMG helicase.
(a) The two-domain architecture of Pol2, the catalytic subunit of the Pol ε complex. The N-terminal half contains the polymerase and exonuclease activities. The C-terminal half is homologous to a B-family polymerase but without enzymatic activity. The red vertical bars indicate the locations of the residues in Pol2 that crosslink to subunits of CMG16. (b) Surface-rendered front side and top views of the previously reported 3D density map of the CMG-Pol ε complex (EMDB 6465)16. (c) The top and bottom panels are corresponding front side and top views of the atomic model of CMG helicase. The helicase residues that cross-link to Pol2 are shown in blue spheres. The green oval represents the approximate Pol2 position on CMG as predicted from the crosslink footprint.