Fig. 2.
Localization of expressed, GFP-tagged KIF17 constructs. (A) Diagram showing KIF17 constructs used for these studies. Images show localization of KIF17-FL, K339, K370 and K490 in MDCK cells 3 h after cDNA injection. Arrows indicate localization on microtubules in cell protrusions. Arrowheads indicate localization at cell–cell contacts. (B) Colocalization of GFP–K370 with immunostained E-cadherin and β-actin in MDCK cells. Color overlays show an enlargement of GFP–K370 and β-actin in the boxed region. In the lower overlay, the image of K370 was shifted by seven pixels. (C) Quantification of the junctional localization of endogenous KIF17 and expressed KIF17 constructs 3 h after cDNA injection. Values were calculated as percentage of total cells expressing each construct. Results are from 3–6 independent experiments (endogenous KIF17, n=90 cells; GFP–KIF17-FL, n=60; GFP–K490, n=295; GFP–K370, n=664; GFP–K339, n=794). (D) Quantification of the percentage cells with junctional GFP–K370 or GFP–K339 in the absence and presence of co-expressed mCh–KIF17-Tail. Data are normalized to 100% in control conditions (K370, n=162; K370+KIF17-Tail, n=121; K339, n=230; K339+KIF17-Tail, n=324 cells). Results are from ≥2 independent experiments. Error bars are error margins with 95% confidence interval. Significance was determined using a two-tailed unpaired student's t-test, **P<0.01; ***P<0.001.