PgtA is a Skp1 GalT and FucT.
A, GalT activity directed toward GlcNAc-Skp1 was assayed as described for GlcNAcT activity in Fig. 5A, except that GlcNAc-Skp1 and UDP-[3H]Gal were used in place of HO-Skp1 and UDP-[3H]GlcNAc. The reaction time, inclusion of GlcNAc-Skp1 and GDP-Fuc, and source of the extract (RHΔΔ or RH, or RHpgtAΔ or pgtAΔ) were varied as indicated. B, entire lane from a parallel 3-h reaction (RH, +Gn-Skp1) from A was analyzed for incorporation of 3H. Incorporation was only detected at the migration position of DdSkp1. C, [3H]DdSkp1 from the 3-h GalT reaction in A was isolated as in Fig. 5D and hydrolyzed in 4 m TFA. The hydrolysate was chromatographed on a Dionex PA-1 column with internal standards of Gal, Glc, Man, and Fuc, and the elution of 3H was monitored by scintillation counting of collected fractions. D–F, FucT activity assays. Reactions were conducted as above except that GDP-[3H]Fuc replaced UDP-[3H]Gal, and the dependence of incorporation on a 10-fold concentration excess of UDP-Gal, GlcNAc-Skp1, and PgtA in the extract and time was examined.