Uncoupled respiration occurred only when mature photoreceptors were present. A, O2 consumption by isolated light-adapted mouse retinas collected from postnatal days 11, 12, and 16 (n = 2 for day 12, n = 1 for day 11, and 16 and n = 5 for adult). * indicates p = 0.022, and ** indicates p = 0.001. Retinas were treated with 50 μm oligomycin and then oligomycin plus 1 μm FCCP. These results show how the nearly equal respiration rates with versus without FCCP and the large fraction of respiration that is oligomycin-insensitive become apparent only as the rod photoreceptors become functional between postnatal days 11 to 16. The absolute maximal (FCCP stimulated) OCRs for postnatal day 11 and 12 retinas was 1.71 ± 0.21 (S.D.) nmol/min/retina (n = 3), and for adult retinas it was 1.16 ± 0.38 (S.D.) nmol of O2/min retina. p = 0.014 for the hypothesis that the 11–12-day and adult OCRs are the same. B, comparison of the effects of oligomycin and FCCP on O2 consumption by adult WT retinas (n = 5) and adult AIPL1−/− retinas (n = 4). * indicates p = 0.031, and ** indicates p = 0.001. The absolute maximal (FCCP stimulated) OCR for AIPL1−/− retinas was 1.18 ± 0.16 nmol of O2/min/retina (corresponding to 0.58 nmol/min/mg wet weight of retina).