Figure 2.
Grand mean of normalised power spectra for the major depressive disorder (MDD)-CG25 (a) and MDD-bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST), and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)-BNST patient groups (b) plotted for the frequency range of 2–40 Hz. Shaded areas of power spectra indicate 95% confidence limits for each patient group and target area. Grey shaded area in panel b shows the significant difference between OCD-BNST (red line) and MDD-BNST (blue line) patient groups (8–14 Hz). The grey horizontal dotted line indicates the false discovery rate (FDR)-corrected significance threshold of P = 0.0074, blue dots indicate the P-value per frequency bin (only uncorrected P-values below P = 0.05 shown). Some of the individual power spectra in both BNST patient groups contained peaks in the β-frequency band (15–35 Hz; 37 out of 78 contact pairs), but β-band activity did not differ between patient groups. No peaks were present above 40 Hz. Power spectra in the figures are interpolated for the purpose of visualisation.