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. 2011 Jun;4(Suppl 1):i14–i19. doi: 10.1093/ndtplus/sfr044

Table 2.

The newer iron preparations in a clinician’s wish list for the ideal iron preparation

Product Low-molecular-weight iron dextran (Cosmofer) Iron sucrose (Venofer) Iron gluconate (Ferelecit) Iron isomaltoside 1000 (Monofer) Iron carboxymaltose (Ferinject) Ferumoxytol (Feraheme)
Molecular weight, kDa 165 34–60 290–440 150 150 750a
pH 5.2–6.5 10.5–11.1 7.7–9.7 5.0–7.0 5.0–7.0 6.0–8.0
Carbohydrate Dextran branched polysaccharide Sucrose disaccharide Gluconate monosaccharide Isomatoside unbranched linear oligosaccharide Carboxymaltose branched polysaccharide Oxide coated with polyglucose, sorbitol, carboxymethylether
Maximum single dose 20 mg/kg 200 mg 125 mg 20 mg/kg 15 mg/kg single dose limit 1000 mg 510 mg
Maximum single dose administration 80 kg male 1600 mg 200 mg 125 mg 1600 mg 1000 mg 510 mg
Maximum single dose administration 60 kg female 1200 mg 200 mg 125 mg 1200 mg 900 mg 510 mg
TDI repletion Yes No No YES No No
Infusion within 1 h No NA NA Yes Yes Yes
Iron concentration, mg/mL 50 20 12.5 100 50 50
Test dose required Yes No/Yes (only Europe) No No No No
Minimally analytical free iron < 1% 10% 10–20% < 0.1% < 1% < 0.1%
Dose adjustment on dialysis None None None None None None

aMolecular weight for ferumoxytol is not comparable to the other iron values because of measurement to a different standard